The Connect Devotional - a daily devotional with CCC

The connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now.  It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.

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Archives for August 2015

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Enter the villain

Real villains cause real problem that require real intervention on God’s behalf....

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The Right Person

The places and times in which we find ourselves reveal who we truly are. ...

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Gift and season match

Can you identify a gift that God’s given you that you’ve had to sit on for a while?...

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Good work and good gifts

For every good work God gives us to do, he’s given us gifts...

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Stepping into a different story

If we hold too tightly to what we think God should do, we might miss out on what he’s actually doing....

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Great and unexpected work

God was positioning Esther perfectly for the time in which she found herself....

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Goodness and Love

Take some time today to let this verse wash over you....

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Goodness and Love

Take some time today to let this verse wash over you....

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We share in Jesus' anointing. His cup overflows and that means that ours does too....

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The Table for Us

We are called to be God's people who will celebrate and feast and remember the Lord even in the face of great opposition....

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Through the Dark Valley

Fill up your reservoir before you hit the dark valley. And if you're in a valley right now, come looking for signs of God's presence and attention....

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Dark Valley Surprise

All you have to do is live long enough and you'll have dark valley experiences....

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The Good Shepherd Guides

Your Good Shepherd is guiding you along right paths for his name’s sake. Don’t be afraid....

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Soul Refresh

Resting is essential but not sufficient for a fully healthy soul....

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Hyper Sheep

The wise among us will go where the Good Shepherd leads us, even if that’s to a moment of pre-adventure rest....

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I lack nothing

The same David who here sings “I lack nothing” elsewhere cried out for God’s help, rescue, protection, provision, forgiveness and attention....

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The Lord is my Shepherd

A shepherd’s job involved leading the sheep to good food, keeping them safe from predators/enemies and protecting them from their own stupidity....

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Mighty to Save

Carve out some space to sing to and praise the Lord....

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Unshakeable Trust

The engine that drives all of David’s glory is his trust in the Lord....

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God gives glory generously

One way of being glorious involves generously sharing everything you have with everyone you can....

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The Desires of Your Heart

God’s at work in the planting as well as the granting of our desires....

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Give Credit

Planting a flag of praise is one way we can resist this drift, one way we can stand secure in the face of all our successes....

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