Parcheesi, Exorcisms, and the Label Makers
Jesus tells the demons to be quiet even though they're speaking truthfully about who he is. ...
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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Jesus tells the demons to be quiet even though they're speaking truthfully about who he is. ...
Keep ReadingJesus heals and touches people to make them well!...
Keep ReadingHealing isn't just for us. It's for us to be a blessing to others. ...
Keep ReadingPeter's married--he's normal! That means the ways that Jesus intersect his life has something to teach us about how he might want to intersect ours....
Keep ReadingWhen we experience Jesus's power and authority in our lives, there's a response of worship and witness that are natural. We need to share it....
Keep ReadingJesus is the re-humanizing agent in a world full of darkness and corruption and pain ...
Keep ReadingThe demons are afraid of Jesus--so we have hope for our own battles against darkness. ...
Keep ReadingGood news: Jesus is the authority we can trust and we were made for....
Keep ReadingSelf-righteousness is one of the biggest competitors for your heart. ...
Keep ReadingThe prophet is rejected in his hometown--what hometown wisdom we will refuse to listen to? ...
Keep ReadingJesus's mission statement doesn't seem to include us, but that's a good thing....
Keep ReadingJesus's first sermon, he reads his mission statement from Isaiah...
Keep ReadingJesus goes home and hangs out at the old synagogue. ...
Keep ReadingMemorizing Scripture helps to cut through the fog of temptation. ...
Keep ReadingLord's prayer, lead us not into temptation...
Keep ReadingTemptation definition, overcoming it....
Keep ReadingJesus in the desert...
Keep ReadingHelping to understand why Jesus got baptized when he was without sin....
Keep ReadingThe crowds obedience in baptism is a good example for us to follow...
Keep ReadingStarting blocks kicks off with a reflection on baptism....
Keep ReadingNew year and a new voice for the Connect Devotional ...
Keep Reading