Every Nation Campus
Our mission is to help students Know God, Grow Together, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference. We accomplish this through Outreach, Discipleship and Empowerment.
We want to reconcile students to Christ.
- We accomplish this by going evangelism with our students at least once a week.
- We also have outreach events throughout the semester.
We want to help students to know God and grow deeper in their relationship with Him.
We do this by;
- Connect Groups: Student led Bible studies
- Small Groups: The staff meet once a week with connect group leaders and other student leaders. In our weekly meetings, we read the word, pray and catch up.
- Large Group: A weekly service on campus where all Connect Groups come together. This is a time to come together, worship and learn more about God.
- One-on-one meetings: We try to meet with students as much as we can.
- Cornerstone: In the Summer we have a 6-weeks Biblical foundations program. Many of our Connect group leaders and students leaders have completed it.
We want to train our students for leadership.
Our students:
- Lead worship: We do workshops that focus on Biblical teaching on worship and practical musical training. Students lead worship during Large Group and prayer nights.
- Evangelize: We do weekly training on how to share the good news. We stress the simplicity of the Ggspel and encourage students to share the good news at least once a week.
- Create outreach events: If one of our students has an outreach idea, we encourage them to run with it. We help them execute it.
- Disciple others: We encourage our student leaders to disciple other students.
- Lead Bible studies: We encourage students to lead Bible studies. We do various trainings throughout the semester to equip students to lead Bible Studies.
More than 15 students gave their lives to the Lord in the Fall semester.
Our student-led Bible studies are bearing a lot of fruit.
Prayer Requests:
- For perseverance and enthusiasm to complete my Theology class
- For wisdom on how to best manage my time on the campus
Special Prayer Request:
Please pray for God to provide another male campus missionary. At the moment our staff team is composed of four women and one man.
To add your financial support to Betsabe and Every Nation Ministry at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, click here.