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God has used Art and Elaine McCleary in behind the scenes roles in international missions for over 35 years.  They have touched the lives of many who are now sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world with people who live without hope or joy and in fear of spirits or an impersonal god.  They have been with e3 Partners Ministry for the last ten years where Art has been guiding new missionaries through the process of developing a team of people who would pray for them and support them financially. 

Art and Elaine McClearyArt and Elaine know all too well how important it is to have solid prayer and financial support to live and work cross-culturally.  They themselves have not been cross-cultural missionaries, but have invested their lives to help a new generation of missionaries to influence the world for Christ far beyond what they themselves could accomplish.  Now in Pittsboro and still working from home by phone and computer, Art is impacting the lives of missionaries some of whom lead groups of Christians from America to train and work with local believers in other countries to evangelize and make disciples in villages and areas near them and to establish disciple making churches.  Others are evangelizing and making disciples among unchurched people in metropolitan areas in North America starting home churches that start other home churches.

To support Art & Elaine financially as well as in prayer, click here: https://e3partners.org/donate/staff-fundraising/?query=art+mccleary.