Worry and Generosity
The practice of generosity can be used by God to liberate us from the weight of worry....
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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The practice of generosity can be used by God to liberate us from the weight of worry....
Keep ReadingGod is God and we are not....
Keep ReadingThe Lord pays attention to the margins of our lives and those who live on the margins of society....
Keep ReadingPreserving margin blesses both the people keeping the margin and their community....
Keep ReadingMargin ain't easy....
Keep ReadingFew things prove harder to maintain than healthy margin....
Keep ReadingIf we are made in his image, it should not surprise us that when we are living a generous life, it brings us joy, too....
Keep ReadingGod is so committed to being generous with us that he starts us out in paradise and secures for us eternal joy at the sacrifice of his Son....
Keep ReadingGod not only makes a wonderful creation, he generously shares it with people that they might tend to it in a way that he would....
Keep ReadingYou are uniquely and brilliantly designed by a generous God who has stamped you with his image....
Keep ReadingGod has given us signs and signals of his character in the generosity of the wonder of all that he has created....
Keep ReadingDon’t let conflict with a brother or sister stop the overflow of God’s love in you....
Keep ReadingFear can motivate us to serve others. So can love. On the surface, you might not be able to tell the difference between the two. ...
Keep ReadingGod didn’t just say that he loved us. He showed us. He backed up his love with action....
Keep ReadingBecause God loves first, God gets to decide who we are to love....
Keep ReadingThis Sunday we’ll replace our regular worship services with a community-wide day of serving our community together. And this is directly connected to our belief that God is love....
Keep ReadingThe blessed life we experience when we obey God is actually the by-product of something else. Let’s circle around to take a look at it....
Keep ReadingFaithfulness matters to us because we have a God who has proven himself faithful....
Keep ReadingWe may know what he will do, but the how stands beyond our comprehension. ...
Keep ReadingThe Lord often works in mysterious ways. That popular proverb prompts peace until you’re stuck in the middle of a weird “mysterious-ways” situation....
Keep ReadingGod promises to act and invites us to join him...
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