Trust in the Lord
Hey, we don't trust in chariots or horses....
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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God invites us and expects us to put ourselves out there...
Keep ReadingDavid might not know much. But he knows what he knows....
Keep ReadingDavid didn't assume that the difficulties in life were obstacles to be avoided. Instead, he painted them as opportunities for us to see God hard at work on our behalf....
Keep ReadingPraying this prayer of blessing over them is one way that David contributes to the ongoing spiritual health and vitality of his community....
Keep ReadingWhen Jesus fills us with living water and that water overflows from within us, we give life to the world around us....
Keep ReadingDon't ignore your thirst....
Keep ReadingThe judgment Jesus invites us into involves having good discernment....
Keep ReadingWhen it comes to the Law we discover a tension, not a contradiction....
Keep ReadingJesus has a great sense of exactly what he's supposed to be doing right now....
Keep ReadingThere's something especially difficult when family pushes back against you....
Keep ReadingJesus has come to provide something more permanent....
Keep ReadingJesus created strong feelings in others. And he still does....
Keep ReadingAs we start this week, we want to invite you to incorporate Simon Peter's words to Jesus into your life as a prayer....
Keep ReadingApart from the Spirit, all our good activities won't produce life in us. The Spirit gives life....
Keep ReadingJesus insists that he's the best and only source of life....
Keep ReadingDoubt and questions can be healthy if we engage with them in healthy ways....
Keep ReadingA funny thing happens to Christianity when you start to take Jesus less seriously....
Keep ReadingAt various points throughout Jesus’ ministry we see him intentionally drawing lines in the sand and forks in the road....
Keep ReadingBefore we’re too tough on this fickle crowd, we see something beautiful in them. They go in search of Jesus....
Keep ReadingJesus leaves the crowds behind and focuses on his Father....
Keep Reading