Surprised by Mercy
Everyone is surprised by mercy. ...
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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Everyone is surprised by mercy. ...
Keep ReadingWe need someone to rescue us from our slavery to anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and pride....
Keep ReadingGod can work in a thousand ways to transform the way we see the people who’ve hurt us....
Keep ReadingOur past experiences of trauma can trigger strong reactions in us....
Keep ReadingThis is a God who is worthy to be praised. ...
Keep ReadingDon’t let anyone convince you that you have nothing to offer. And don’t let the spirit of comparison creep into your heart. Bring to the table exactly what God has given you and do so joyously....
Keep ReadingWe’ve seen time and time again how our community generously responds to neighbors in crisis and global needs. We’ve made sacrifices to help others. And it’s so worth it....
Keep ReadingThe myth of the self-made, bootstrap-pulling, hard-working, independent hero stumbles in seasons like these....
Keep ReadingTremendous pressures pile up to move the wheels of the world and of our lives....
Keep ReadingPause for a moment and thank God for putting the right people in your life in decisive moments. ...
Keep ReadingThe ongoing rumblings in Joseph’s heart foreshadow an upcoming work of God in Joseph’s life....
Keep ReadingJoseph leaned in and was faithful to do the work God had given him to do....
Keep ReadingJoseph wants to rely on God. And that’s what makes him extraordinary....
Keep ReadingDon’t lose hope if you can’t chart a clear course from where you are today to where you hope to be....
Keep ReadingAwareness of God’s activity can boost your God-confidence....
Keep ReadingAs you navigate difficult situations and relationships, God's presence can fill you with tremendous confidence....
Keep ReadingJoseph’s past and his present collided. He had a decision to make....
Keep ReadingAll too often we get so busy doing our good work that we forget to connect with the people who God has placed in our path....
Keep ReadingAs God poured his blessings out on Joseph, the cupbearer and the baker benefitted as well. This can also happen to us in hard times....
Keep ReadingWhat happens inside of us when we see people punished for showing integrity? ...
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