God is the source
For James and for us the most important question we can answer is the “Who is God?” Question. ...
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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For James and for us the most important question we can answer is the “Who is God?” Question. ...
Keep ReadingApplying this “chain” takes some intentional work....
Keep ReadingSin doesn’t exist in a vacuum....
Keep ReadingLet’s try two thought-experiments....
Keep ReadingAccording to James, God sends trials but he is not responsible for temptations. That difference may seem arbitrary to us, but it matters tremendously to James....
Keep ReadingBlessed are those who experience trials because they get a specific kind of benefit that can only come on the other side of a trial....
Keep ReadingDuring our trials, we need to maintain a firm conviction that God is willing and able to give us wisdom to navigate our difficult circumstances. ...
Keep ReadingOur generous God cares immensely about who we’re becoming as we walk through life....
Keep ReadingTrials change us: for the better or for worse....
Keep ReadingTrials remain trials. Pain remains pain. Suffering remains suffering. But we aren’t helpless....
Keep ReadingJesus' compassion and love extend even to those of us who cross our arms and mutter in response to his generosity....
Keep ReadingRejoicing is the only appropriate response when someone comes home to God....
Keep ReadingBut if we push through the valley with faithful endurance, what a joy waits for us on the other side: second chances, restoration, new life!...
Keep ReadingGod values “lost sheep” so much that rejoicing spreads through heaven whenever one person changes their life course and heads home to God....
Keep ReadingThroughout his ministry Jesus made a special effort to connect with those who were socially ostracized, vulnerable and far from God....
Keep ReadingWhile the father’s patient forgiveness of the younger son is obvious, it’s important that we not miss that he’s just as generous with the older, self-righteous son....
Keep Reading“This son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.”...
Keep ReadingThe way people answer the “What’s God like?” question matters tremendously....
Keep ReadingIf you have a loved one who has left home for a distant country and met disaster, grief is healthy. ...
Keep ReadingThat’s his reputation. And his core of generosity never seems to be exhausted....
Keep ReadingOne cannot be a son without being a brother. One cannot be a brother without being a son....
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