God our Refuge
Lean more heavily on God when times get hard....
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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Lean more heavily on God when times get hard....
Keep ReadingCalling out to God changes us for the better. ...
Keep ReadingIn order to pursue your God-given great work, you need to make more than just one good decision; you need to string together a series of good decisions....
Keep ReadingDon’t give in to the temptation to compare your great work to others....
Keep ReadingWhen you embark on great work in your own life, you probably won’t have people trying to get you killed. But it may feel like it....
Keep ReadingWhen we live crazy busy lives, we miss out on the great work God’s given us to do....
Keep ReadingEnter into this passage imaginatively. ...
Keep ReadingYou cannot go off by yourself and grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ....
Keep ReadingOnly love can hold us together. ...
Keep ReadingPaul’s prayer for power which leads to strength isn’t focused on doing and achieving. Instead, Paul wants his friends to have the rich and beautiful experience of intimacy with Jesus Christ....
Keep ReadingThe special relationship you have with God gives you strong permission to open your heart to him in prayer....
Keep ReadingThe reflected glory shines brightly in the dark....
Keep ReadingGod’s choice to identify with us was, according to Paul, his way of making his wisdom known to the entire cosmos....
Keep ReadingWe don’t have to jettison our ethnic identities in order to fully participate in the body of Christ....
Keep ReadingPaul didn’t want the Christian mysteries to be held in secret as copyrighted proprietary instruction. He wanted everyone to talk about these great mysteries....
Keep ReadingPaul had a beautiful call from the Lord. What’s yours? ...
Keep ReadingGod has chosen to make himself know to the world through us, to meet with people through us, to identify with us....
Keep ReadingIf Jesus can stand alive on the mountain top, he can bring us there with him....
Keep ReadingWhen Jesus brings us near to God and to other people, he does it in a way that challenges and changes us....
Keep ReadingIn God’s good goodness, he goes out of his way to connect with those of us who live as outsiders....
Keep ReadingOur world is full of divides....
Keep Reading