How Has Jesus Met You?
Jesus met the crowds in the midst of their narratives, calendars and expectations....
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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Jesus met the crowds in the midst of their narratives, calendars and expectations....
Keep ReadingJesus is the most controversial figure in all of history....
Keep ReadingIsaiah asks the Lord “How long?” And so do all who volunteer for the tough work that has to be done by the people of God in this world....
Keep ReadingEncountering the Lord makes us aware of the gaps in our lives....
Keep ReadingPeople who follow and serve God need deeper and deeper encounters with him as they move deeper and deeper into their calling and purpose....
Keep ReadingIsaiah’s willingness and eagerness to go where the Lord sends him is remarkable and beautiful. We see this eagerness at work every week in Chatham Church. ...
Keep ReadingWe have so much to celebrate and so many people to appreciate!...
Keep ReadingThe life everlasting contains a promise of the redemption, beautification and perfection of all things....
Keep ReadingGod will not remove our bodies, but will instead perfect them....
Keep ReadingDon’t let the opportunity of forgiveness pass you by. What do you need to do today?...
Keep ReadingGod’s church is both a global / historical organization and a living / personal organism....
Keep ReadingWhen we’re saying that we believe in the holy “catholic” church, we’re saying that there’s a glorious universal movement of churches (“one body”) who all proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. ...
Keep ReadingThe Holy Spirit causes our character and our work to bear holy fruit....
Keep ReadingChrist has cleansed us of our sin and joined us to himself. And because he refuses to lose track of us, we can trust that his Spirit will remain with us as well....
Keep ReadingHow can we embrace the Holy Spirit and not fear him?...
Keep ReadingThe Holy Spirit takes the words and promises of God and gives them flesh...
Keep ReadingWaiting for a gift is the hardest part....
Keep ReadingMatthew 25:35-40...
Keep ReadingWe need help to remember those who have needs they can't meet out of their own resources. ...
Keep ReadingTrue service comes from a place of true security....
Keep ReadingIn the Christian story, the person at the top comes to the bottom of the org chart....
Keep ReadingJesus affirms their desire to be great. But then he provides an unexpected redefinition of greatness....
Keep Reading