Our attempts at self-protection will, at times, interfere with our experience of God. He does amazing things in our lives when we’re willing to be vulnerable to him....
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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Our attempts at self-protection will, at times, interfere with our experience of God. He does amazing things in our lives when we’re willing to be vulnerable to him....
Keep ReadingWe respond to God with open hearts and are transformed by him. We humble ourselves. We need this more than he needed plans, guidance, or miraculous intervention. ...
Keep ReadingGod is always right and good. And that means that he’s always on his own side....
Keep ReadingWhenever we find ourselves in highly politicized, highly charged environments, it’s entirely natural to want bright lines. We seek them out of instinct....
Keep ReadingThe same God walks with us from season to season but the way we see his provision changes....
Keep ReadingIf you compare your small pile of stones to the great structures that cast shadows over you, you’ll miss out. ...
Keep ReadingSymbol and ritual will remain hollow, empty and dead unless they are articulated and explained. ...
Keep ReadingWe carry a responsibility to faithfully pass along what we’ve heard and seen of the Lord....
Keep ReadingAt times this “going back” experience comes to us for the sake of someone else: you go back into the fire because someone you care about is in there....
Keep ReadingPerhaps God had the people cross over when the river ran at flood stage to make it clear to all who were willing to believe that he was involved in this endeavor....
Keep ReadingGod’s deliverance happens upstream. The miracles are decisive. The results are guaranteed. But it’s all happening upstream....
Keep ReadingNo matter where you wander or where you roam, no matter where your courage-journey takes you, you will never be beyond the reach or presence of the God who loves you....
Keep ReadingWhen the Lord does amazing things in our midst, will we be ready?...
Keep ReadingThe Lord often leads us to places where our own courage can never be sufficient....
Keep ReadingJesus showed courage. We benefitted....
Keep ReadingEngaging God directly is the best way to engage the tension we feel when we’re confused by God’s action or inaction. ...
Keep ReadingThe Lord loves to create unlikely alliances....
Keep ReadingThe path to the Lord’s promise is always paved with risk....
Keep ReadingWe all will struggle at times to believe the word of God that is spoke over us....
Keep ReadingWe can so easily overestimate the level of our obedience to the Lord. ...
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