What if you don't know what you're asking?
We have an opportunity to practice the discipline of trust. We can relax into the watchful care of our wise God....
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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We have an opportunity to practice the discipline of trust. We can relax into the watchful care of our wise God....
Keep ReadingImagine Jesus turned to you and asked you: “What do you want me to do for you?” ...
Keep ReadingAs we pour out our hearts to him, he hears us and responds in love. That doesn’t always mean giving us what we ask for, but it always means giving us his best....
Keep ReadingGod’s invitation to “together” is the only pathway to “better.”...
Keep ReadingThere’s no sending without authority and there's no authority without sending....
Keep ReadingWe need to be “together” in our pursuit of the “better.”...
Keep ReadingWhy didn’t Jesus send them out as one big group?...
Keep ReadingAs Jesus continued to faithfully visit town after town ...
Keep ReadingFollowing Jesus does, at times, come with a cost. He doesn’t offer us cheap discipleship....
Keep ReadingJesus’ invitation to follow him requires us time and time again to leave our nets, to leave behind even the good things that will distract us from following him....
Keep ReadingJesus flips the script. He calls uneducated fishermen. He initiates the relationship. And that changes how the whole thing would work....
Keep ReadingEvery movement has a starting place....
Keep ReadingDon’t miss his purpose. Don’t miss his invitation....
Keep ReadingThe dance between his Father and his friends, between solitary prayer and community life, that created an environment that was primed for Jesus to discover and rediscover his purpose....
Keep ReadingJesus’ decision to move on to other towns and villages to preach meant that he wouldn’t be able to stick around to enjoy the honor and gratitude of all of the people he had directly and indirectly helped....
Keep ReadingGod the Son ...
Keep ReadingHow does the tug of popularity pull on your heart? ...
Keep ReadingOur world is thirsty for “green grass,” for places where people can sit down together and connect with each other in meaningful ways....
Keep ReadingDon’t ever think that your small loaf of bread and your few fish aren’t enough to make a difference....
Keep ReadingGreat Bible study involves letting your imagination roam through a text, seeking understanding and insight....
Keep ReadingWatch out for God’s great compassion! His compassion will change the course of history. His compassion can transform your life....
Keep ReadingThere’s a rest that comes from quiet and a rest that comes from depending on Jesus. We, like Jesus’ disciples, need both....
Keep Reading