The Connect Devotional - a daily devotional with CCC

The connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now.  It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.

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Archives for January 2020

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Hope for the Overwhelmed, Part Two

Sermon on the mount...

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Casting Your Vision on the Lord

Sermon on the moutn...

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"I Don't Need This!"

Sermon on the mount...

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Switching Storage

Sermon on the mount...

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Hope for the Overwhelmed

Sermon on the mount...

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When You Pray...Forgive

Sermon on the Mount...

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A Secret Reward

SErmon on the mount...

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The Unseen Reward of a Devoted Life

Sermon on the mount...

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"Look at Me!"

Sermon on the mount series...

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When You Give, Pray, Fast

When you give, pray, fast....

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That You Might Be Children of Your Father In Heaven

Sermon on the Mount...

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Stop Drop Roll

Sermon on the Mount...

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This Can't Be Right!

Sermon on the Mount...

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God Roots for Everyone

Sermon on the Mount...

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But I Tell You

Sermon on the mount...

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Salt Gone Wrong, Light Gone Bad

Salt and light...

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Being Salty

ON being salty...

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The Salty and the Shining


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God of the Interior

Sermon on the mount: salt ...

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The Salt and Light of the Kingdom

Kingdom salt and light...

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Blessed Are the Persecuted

Jesus says it’s hard to live this kind of blessed life. There is resistance and opposition, both internally and externally, to living a blessed life characterized by poverty of spirit, meekness, mourning, purity of heart and all the rest that Jesus lists in his nine blessings. Resistance and opposition means persecution....

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Happy New Year - Blessed Are

Here’s the good news: God begins the righting of the upside-down world, not by commanding or rebuking or punishing, but by coming in person and speaking words of blessing. Blessing gets life going -- true, real, and abundant life!...

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Imagination Station

The way Jesus is talking, that way is upside-down. It sounds like He's saying showing up and being with Him is the right-side-up way. Or even just longing to show up and be with Him....

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