The Connect Devotional - a daily devotional with CCC

The connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now.  It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.

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Posts by Steve Tamayo

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Back-to-School Bash

Bring your whole family for a fun morning! // August 27th 9:15 or 10:45am....

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Facebook Group to share about your experience with "On The Way With Jesus" and the Sacred Pathways Challenge

Connect with each other while connecting with Jesus...

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New Podcast Officially Launching This Week

We want to connect with Jesus every day in the midst of our day-to-day. These short podcasts will help you as you're on the way....

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Join us for Easter Sunday!

An unexpected encounter with Jesus can change everything...

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Bring your curiosity with you as you read

Bringing your curious mind with you when reading scripture is one healthy practice for deep and meaningful Bible engagement....

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Who named you?

The names that are placed on you shape the way the world sees you and the way you see yourself. ...

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A Story within a story

You have a meaningful part to play in the bigger story....

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Be Worth Remembering

Focus on your legacy and you’ll lose it. Focus on loving the Lord and the people he places in front of you and you’ll leave a legacy that will be worth remembering....

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Supportive Character

We operate for much of the time as if we’re the main character in the story....

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Summer Internships now available

This is a great opportunity to do something rewarding this summer, to grow in your relationship with Jesus, and to learn what it's like to serve in ministry....

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Mulch Madness

Help the youth group missions trip and get some mulch...

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Women's Spring Conference

Join the women of Chatham Community Church as we welcome our guest speaker, Robin Kendall, for a day of connection, enlightment, and, of course, food!...

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Be at peace with your finances

What steps can you take to move toward financial peace?...

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A New Women's Study next Wednesday

We'd love for you to join us!...

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Chili Cook-Off

To benefit food-insecure kids in Chatham County...

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The Harbor Women's Ministry starts this week

Join us as we study "The Bible for Grown Ups" by Andy Stanley....

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Cancer Compassion ministry is available now

We're offering a safe environment for cancer families: patients, survivors, and loved ones to receive care and support....

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Christmas Eve Services (5 Services in 2 Locations)

Join us for a joyous Christmas Eve service!...

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How Do I Make a Gift to the Capital Campaign?

Were you looking for some guidance on how to support our first-ever building project? ...

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Our next Worship Night is this Sunday

Come engage more deeply with God through a dynamic evening of music and prayer. ...

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The Gift of Eternal Life

God desires to bless the entire cosmos with life. ...

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The Inclusive Love of God

God loving the world must have come as quite a shock to Nicodemus...

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Chatham Serves is this Sunday

Twice a year we replace our Sunday morning services with coordinated days of community service....

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Night of Worship Rescheduled

Due to the storm, we've rescheduled the Night of Worship...

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Services Cancelled this Sunday

We've decided to go ahead and cancel our normal services and replace them with something else....

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Giants in Our Hands

One in every five kids in Chatham County is food insecure...

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School Supplies Drive

Lend a helping hand as kids go back to school...

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Superhero 0.5K Fun Run

We're excited to be hosting our first ever 0.5k fun run to benefit the local food pantry and the kids and families who depend on them....

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Campus Teaching Pastor (Pittsboro) - Candidate Weekend

The pastor search team has selected several finalists for the Pittsboro campus teaching pastor position and have begun scheduling candidate weekends. ...

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Core Class coming up soon

If you've been around for a few months and you're ready to officially join our church family or if you've just got some questions you'd like to get answers to, we invite you to participate in our Core Class....

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New service times starting this Sunday!

We're going to have three services in two locations this summer...

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Community Service Project for April

Please join Chatham Church and Rebuilding Together for a day of construction-type community service. Show some love to our neighbors!...

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Spotlight on Jesus

Our most important question in life kicks in here: What is God like? ...

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Looking for information about Easter?

What to expect ... Plan your visit ... We'll see you on Sunday!...

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A Quick Video from Kathy Russell about our Women's Retreat

Want to know a little bit more about what we'll be talking about together during the Women's Retreat in a few weeks? Here's a brief video from our guest speaker: Kathy Russell. ...

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New Women's Study: The Quest by Beth Moore

Bible study meets prayer journal. Starting January 24th. Come join us!...

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Christmas Eve Services

Join us on Christmas Eve as for just a few minutes we push pause on the busyness of the season and soak in the moment: what if Christmas is an invitation into a lasting, permanent joy? ...

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John Boggess' funeral

We want to pass along with a heavy heart that John Boggess, husband of Danielle and father to three great kids (Evan, 14, Brandi, 12, and Ava, 10) died in a car accident on Tuesday....

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Christmas Cantata coming soon!

Join us Sunday night for "O Holy NIght." It's wonder-filled Christmas music performed by our first ever Christmas choir. ...

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Women's Retreat ... sign up today!

Registrations are now live for our annual women's retreat!...

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Chatham Kids | Christmas Station

We wanted to do something special for the kids on Sunday mornings as we approach Christmas....

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"That's a Great Question" additional seminars

If you'd like to dig a little deeper in our current series,we've got two additional opportunities for you. ...

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Doc Ski Wasileski's Funeral

Doc Ski was a beloved member of our church family and will be dearly missed....

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Pharaoh's Daughter Baby Shower

Chatham Church is delighted to throw a baby shower on August 6th at the Chatham Mills ministry space immediately following the service at Pittsboro and continuing until about 1:30--drop through after either service! ...

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We're hiring: Pastor of Adult Discipleship and Teaching

This pastor's primary responsibilities will be to work with our small groups and small group leaders as well as to eventually teach weekly at one of our campuses....

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Christmas in July Food Drive

The Take and Eat Food Pantry could use some help!...

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Easter Sunday and Good Friday Details

Come experience a God who delights to make everything new....

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We're hiring

We're looking for a 20-hour/week worship leader starting in late-May....

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Commitment Card Sunday

We're very encouraged by the enthusiastic support for our next steps as a church....

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Schedule your portrait for the photo directory

On April 30th we'll be taking another round of pictures for a church-wide directory. We'd love for you to be included....

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Anniversary Celebration, Pittsboro Preview, Chili Cook-Off

Chatham Community Church turns 10 this February! This joyous milestone occurs with both a new campus and a land purchase on the horizon. We'll celebrate God's provision and calling for Chatham Community Church in our newly renovated worship space at Chatham Mills on Saturday evening, Feb.18th at 5:30pm. There will be a fun chili cook off competition and dinner and time to...

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Pittsboro Campus Launch on March 5th

Starting on March 5th, we'll be adding a 9am service in Pittsboro...

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Catch up on messages you've missed

Did you know that all of our messages are posted online?...

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A Chatham County Christmas Eve

We'll have a 4:30pm, 6:00pm, and a 7:30pm service. Each service will have carols, readings from the Christmas story, an inspiring message and great desserts....

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Connection Celebration

Looking to get more connected at Chatham Community Church? Connection Celebration is designed especially for you....

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John Billington's Funeral

A Memorial Service will be held at 1pm on Wednesday at Donaldson Funeral Home in Pittsboro...

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Thanksgiving at the Food Pantry

Take and Eat Food Pantry have asked us to help make Thanksgiving great for the people in our community...

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Habitat for Humanity Project

We're teaming up with Chatham Habitat to contribute to two construction projects this year....

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Fall Kick-Off for Youth Group

Join us for The EDGE Olympics...

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Fall 2016 New Service Times

Our service times are changing this fall ... 9:45 and 11:15 (starting on August 28th)...

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CANCELLED: Church Picnic at Jordan Lake

CANCELLED | We were planning a picnic and baptism service for this afternoon but the we've had several rounds of thunderstorms across Chatham over the past two hours and after consulting with the picnic coordinator extraordinaire we've decided to cancel it. We'll get the word out about a re-schedule soon!...

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Easter Pictures

This is where you can find your family Easter pictures from this year...

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Stop Hunger Now Meal-Packing Event

We're going to pack 10,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now to be distributed to people in need all around the world....

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Newcomers' Lunch coming up soon!

April 17th ... to be exact...

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Sign ups are live for 24-Hour Prayer

We'll have 30 minute shifts available and you can sign up for as many as you'd like....

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Core Class starts this week

Meet new people, learn more about the church, and find your place in God's mission....

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Winter Jam | Concert for youth group

Hang out with friends, listen to great music, connect with God...

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Sunday Services cancelled on January 24th

Stay safe and warm....

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We're grateful for our volunteers!

Volunteer Celebration is coming up on January 23rd...

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New Series: The Best Christmas Ever

Join us on Sundays during the holiday season as we take the rich traditions of Christmas and infuse them with more meaning, depth and joy....

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St. Nicholas Party for Chatham Kids

We’ll decorate gingerbread houses, hear the story of the amazing St. Nicholas, and prepare a surprise for someone special....

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The Marriage Course

A strong, loving and lifelong relationship doesn’t happen by chance. We can all learn how to make even the happiest marriage better....

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Chatham Serves is coming soon!

Our church-wide day of community service is coming up on October 11th...

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Women's Fall Luncheon

We will gather at the Briar Chapel Clubhouse for a special time of fellowship. Please come!...

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The Ladder Group starts soon!

Thinking about trying a Small Group for the first time? Check out The Ladder Group...

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Fall Launch is coming up on August 23rd

Click here for more info about everything that's happening during Fall Launch...

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Supporting our Missionaries in Ethiopia

We believe that the Lawrences have a unique opportunity to care for both the physical and spiritual needs of Ethiopia....

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Volunteer Celebration and Annual Business Meeting

One June 28th, we'll have one service at 10am, followed by a catered lunch, a celebration of our volunteers and our annual business meeting....

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New Class: Systematic Theology 101

Systematic theology focuses us on God and who we are in relation to him. This class will cover the following topics: how to “do theology,” the Trinity, how we get to know God, and “What is creation for, anyway?”...

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Congratulations to Cinderella's Closet

This year, Cinderella's Closet of Chatham County blessed 62 young women with dresses and accessories....

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3 Tricks to Help you Find a Small Group

At Chatham Church, we want everyone to be connected in God-honoring relationships where they are continually growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that the very best environment for that to happen is in a small group....

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Have you connected with us on Facebook?

Throughout the week, we share great content via Facebook: resources, quotes from the sermon, relevant Scripture passages and news about Chatham Church. Follow our page here:

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Sunday morning recap for November 9th, 2014

"The prayers of God's people are an essential part of the final redemption of all things"...

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Join us for a Sunday Morning Bike Run

Start your Sunday morning with a great bike run (and make new friends while you're at it). We meet at Woods Charter School at 8:30 and make it back in time to catch the 10am service. There's even a "stinky biker" row reserved for us!...

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Summer Suppers with Friends

This is a great chance to make new friends. Sign up for a host site on a night that works for you and enjoy an evening of good food and fellowship....

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