The Surprising King
Through Christmas, Mary was pulled into God’s bigger story. And we are too. Through Christmas we’re invited to participate in significant ways in God’s subversive kingdom....
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Through Christmas, Mary was pulled into God’s bigger story. And we are too. Through Christmas we’re invited to participate in significant ways in God’s subversive kingdom....
Keep ReadingYou are highly favored and the Lord is with you. ...
Keep ReadingWhat resources do you think are necessary for things to change for the better?...
Keep ReadingIn those early years of Jesus’ life, his adopted father sheltered him from political powers that would gladly have taken his life and obstructed his saving mission....
Keep ReadingOnce Joseph received this bigger perspective, his reason for being afraid went away. When he chose to listen and believe, his life changed....
Keep ReadingJoseph didn’t ask for this burden, but he did the best he could to navigate this difficult challenge in a faithful way....
Keep ReadingChristmas came as a surprise for everyone involved. No one would have expected God to act in this way....
Keep ReadingGod wants to meet us in the real world. ...
Keep ReadingOur generous God wants us to share his happiness. ...
Keep ReadingWherever you are on the spectrum, your relationship with the master makes a tremendous difference. ...
Keep ReadingWhat are we doing with what God has entrusted to us?...
Keep ReadingNot everyone starts from the same starting place....
Keep ReadingWithout gratitude generosity falls to the wayside....
Keep ReadingSacrificial gifts have a deeper significance than gifts that are given out of our surplus; the difference between someone giving you the shirt off their back and a shirt out of their closet....
Keep ReadingWho gave more: the wealthy or the poor?...
Keep ReadingPlace your devotion on Christ himself: the one who made you, loved you, rescued you, and gave you purpose....
Keep ReadingJesus didn’t just pay attention to the large gifts of the wealthy; he also paid attention to the significant gift of a poor widow....
Keep ReadingHealthy conversations about God and money can help us become generous-hearted people....
Keep ReadingJesus cares about your “treasure” because he treasures you and knows the impact that our resources have on our allegiances....
Keep ReadingGod has so much more for us than we could ever gain on our own....
Keep ReadingYou can’t separate generosity and trust....
Keep ReadingWhat would happen if God’s people truly learned to trust him?...
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