InterVarsity at UNC
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty. We believe that God has called us to reach every corner of every campus. Our vision is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. Our chapters exist to serve the campus. We welcome students into caring, diverse communities where they can build friendships and explore Christian faith in the marketplace of ideas.
In the Triangle, InterVarsity longs to see every corner of every campus reached with the Gospel through communities that reflect the reality of the Kingdom of God. We currently have 6 chapters/fellowships on four campuses (Duke, Meredith College, NCSU, and UNC-Chapel Hill) and are actively praying and seeking open doors at many of the other universities/colleges and community colleges in the area.
Ways to Be Praying for InterVarsity in the Triangle:
- Pray for the health and wellbeing of student leaders and staff as they continue in ministry during the pandemic. Pray for their ability to connect and be together as they shake off the conversational rust and other aspects of life during the pandemic. Pray that they will be able to build a deep and purposeful community as the year progresses.
- Pray that new students will say "Yes" to entering into community through small groups and come to know Jesus more.
- As InterVarsity enters into the new school year, we are trusting God as we seek to plant new ministries at universities/colleges and community colleges across the Triangle. Pray with us as we ask the Lord to bring student leaders and volunteers to help us in these efforts. Pray that we would plant a vibrant witness to the hope and love of Jesus Christ on these campuses.
- InterVarsity staff (and many other people in ministry) are experiencing immense fatigue and exhaustion as they continue to care for others in the midst of the pandemic. Pray that God would grant our staff extra rest, energy, and inspiration. Pray that this year will be a year marked by dependence on the Lord and a renewed excitement/energy as they see the Lord do new and amazing things on campus.
For more information, contact James Ho.