Put it into practice
The challenge isn’t just to learn, it’s to put these things into practice....
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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The challenge isn’t just to learn, it’s to put these things into practice....
Keep ReadingIf it’s out of the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks, our words give us special insight into what’s going on in our own hearts and in the hearts of the people around us....
Keep ReadingWhatever we store up in our hearts eventually will be brought to light....
Keep ReadingA significant part of the journey of marriage involves learning to love the person you’re actually married to...
Keep ReadingEven though the corn stalk is more stalk than corn, the corn is what gives it its identity. The same is true for us....
Keep ReadingCommitted relationships will always require forgiveness....
Keep ReadingYou can’t “bear with each other” if you’re all alone. ...
Keep ReadingWhere these virtues are most needed is also the place where they’re most difficult to display....
Keep ReadingThe Scriptures tell us that God takes responsibility for our well-being....
Keep ReadingGod’s Spirit is at work in each and every one of us to produce in us this good fruit....
Keep ReadingThe Spirit offers us a new way to live in our marriages....
Keep ReadingAll real relationships have a measure of unpredictability....
Keep ReadingUltimate freedom is always found in commitment....
Keep ReadingOver the next 6 weeks we're going to be talking about biblical principles of communication and conflict that will be helpful for everyone to know....
Keep ReadingCelebrations like these always tend to spill over beyond the immediate community. ...
Keep ReadingGod dignifies everyone with an invitation to serve....
Keep ReadingCelebration and service take place right in the middle of real life....
Keep ReadingWe realize that a day of community service makes for a strange holiday....
Keep ReadingWhat had God done for you? What do you need to remember?...
Keep ReadingWe are not the only beneficiaries of the “such a time as this” moments in our lives....
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