God is always working
Through it all, God is always working...
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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From the very beginning, God has given human beings work to do. God gave the man work to do that fit him, that resonated with how he was made....
Keep ReadingThe first thing we see about God is that he’s creative. And we bear his image....
Keep ReadingWhy did God choose a stable and a manger as part of the Christmas story?...
Keep ReadingFor today’s devotional, we wanted to encourage you to take a few minutes to read the Christmas story out loud....
Keep ReadingInto this ordinary world, flashes of glory appear...
Keep ReadingGod delivers an amazing message through amazing messengers. Will we pay attention?...
Keep ReadingMost of the unhealthy family dynamics we experience around the holidays come from people seeking identity, purpose or security in all the wrong places....
Keep ReadingThe Prince of Peace will lead us into the path of peace....
Keep ReadingThroughout human history, darkness has created anxiety and fear....
Keep ReadingWhen Jesus brings His love to bear on the conflict between God and us, it is so strong that our relationship with him is saved....
Keep ReadingMercy is not just something we receive. Mercy is something we’re invited to walk in and to extend to others....
Keep ReadingIf we have not prepared the way in our own hearts for Jesus, we will never be able to pull off being his true ambassadors...
Keep ReadingIsaiah looked forward to a leader who would never be in over his head, who wouldn't miss opportunities or get lost or stumble....
Keep ReadingOur Everlasting Father is never too busy, tired or frustrated to spend time with you....
Keep ReadingDeliverance could only come from a Mighty God....
Keep ReadingGod sent us the “Wonderful Counselor,†Jesus. All we have to do is bring our worn-out DIY counseling propensity and trade it in to receive Him....
Keep ReadingThroughout this chapter, we hear Isaiah encouraging God’s people that God is going to send a Deliverer, a Liberator, to rescue those people who are walking in darkness....
Keep ReadingAt the center of the prayer Jesus taught his followers to pray, we hear this phrase: give us today our daily bread. We’re going to pray this together today....
Keep ReadingAre you confident enough of God's love for you to be up-front with Him?...
Keep ReadingWhy should we pray when God already knows what we need? ...
Keep ReadingWhat if prayer is as much about the process of the asking as it is about the final outcome of our request?...
Keep ReadingHe invites us to talk to him without giving us the all the answers as to how or why it works....
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