From Mourning to Celebration
The goodness of the Lord gives us a reason to celebrate....
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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The goodness of the Lord gives us a reason to celebrate....
Keep ReadingWhat do you do at the end of a great, good project? We’ve talked about building and rebuilding families, careers, homes, churches, and communities. But what happens next?...
Keep ReadingIf we were going to draw it into something like a formula, it might look like this: Committed Community + Generous God = Remarkable Results....
Keep ReadingThe whole community is blessed when someone is willing to step in and do the work no one else wants to do....
Keep ReadingThose daughters of Shallum, those strong women, worked as hard as all of the rest of the men. And their work was noted both by Nehemiah and by God....
Keep ReadingThere is an intimate connection between your willingness to get your hands dirty and your ability to bless people....
Keep ReadingYour particular part in God’s good work has not gone unnoticed by him....
Keep ReadingNehemiah’s testimony about God’s gracious hand at work for him gave the people the faith they needed to actively move into the future....
Keep Reading“We” creates space for “us.”...
Keep ReadingSometimes you need someone to tell you when you’re in trouble....
Keep ReadingA patient due diligence process prepares us to step into the work we’ve been given to do in a knowledgeable, prepared way....
Keep ReadingWe live in an age that struggles with secrecy....
Keep ReadingAs people of faith, we don’t have to be afraid of planning. The same God who speeds and catches us when we take our leaps of faith can inspire and guide us when we plan....
Keep ReadingThe active, rough-and-tumble, dangerous phase of the Jerusalem rebuilding project was peppered with prayer. Connecting with God in prayer filled the beats between moments of action. ...
Keep ReadingWe often are only in touch with the surface of our desires. We rarely dive into their depths....
Keep ReadingFear is not the absence of faith. Even the faithful feel fear. Fear can serve us well, pushing us onto the path toward wisdom. But fear makes a terrible master....
Keep ReadingWe believe that the Lord still does this: he positions people perfectly to pursue their destiny. ...
Keep ReadingYou also can store up for yourself a supply of conviction about the Lord’s willingness to keep his promises....
Keep ReadingNehemiah’s willingness to identify himself with his broader family and community in confession positions him powerfully to lead his entire community in mission....
Keep ReadingThe Lord is present in our lives and history, whether the news is good or bad. When his people practice prayerful engagement, they discover that their activist God is already deeply engaged: bringing restoration, resisting evil, and generating hope....
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