A Connecting Church
The church is more than a Sunday morning gathering for music, sermonizing, and donuts. It’s bigger than us. ...
Keep ReadingThe connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now. It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.
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The church is more than a Sunday morning gathering for music, sermonizing, and donuts. It’s bigger than us. ...
Keep ReadingWho are the great partners that God has brought into your life ...
Keep ReadingBarnabas’ posture had a tremendous impact on his experience and on the way others experienced him. We’re at our most healthy when we cultivate a similar posture....
Keep ReadingEthnic segregation, socioeconomic segregation, political segregation … left to our own devices we’ll surround ourselves exclusively with people who look, spend, and think just like us....
Keep ReadingWhat might God do with your faithfulness?...
Keep ReadingThe Lord of all the cosmos has chosen to treat you as a friend ...
Keep ReadingThis gap between who Jesus really is and who people perceive him to be shows up for all of us....
Keep ReadingJesus isn’t just alive on the other side of the cross and the empty tomb, he’s present in the lives of his people. ...
Keep ReadingOpponents to God’s work in the world today can appear in various forms. Some come equipped with little more than snide comments and teasing. Others carry knives, bombs, and the hammer of unjust laws....
Keep ReadingTurn away and pray and it will be okay. ...
Keep ReadingThe Lord isn’t done with our transformation at the moment of our initial conversion. Every day we follow him he works in our hearts and souls to change the way we think, love and live....
Keep ReadingNo one is too lost to be found. No one is too stuck to be freed. No one is too evil to be loved....
Keep ReadingEvery inch of ground gained by the kingdom of God has to be taken from other little imposter kingdoms....
Keep ReadingHow do we go from being unprepared to being prepared? ...
Keep ReadingGod’s power is put on full display when his followers cross racial, ethnic and cultural lines with the news and love of Jesus....
Keep ReadingPhilip will get more instructions later in the passage. All he’s given to start with is a direction. But that was enough....
Keep ReadingIn a world that’s clearly not the way it’s supposed to be, God has intervened....
Keep ReadingGod is wildly available to us in these seasons of disruption....
Keep ReadingThe arc of the universe bends toward celebration....
Keep ReadingTake some time today to meditate on the strength-giving joy of the Lord....
Keep ReadingThe Lord’s work in our hearts is to turn us back toward community in healthy and generous ways....
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