The Connect Devotional - a daily devotional with CCC

The connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now.  It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.

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Receiving Grace: Philippians 1:25-26

Recognizing our need for God's grace is essential if we're going to receive God's gift of joy....

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A Channel of Grace: Philippians 1:25

The purpose of Paul's existence - from Paul's perspective - was to serve as a channel of grace to others....

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Endurance: Philippians 1:20

Many of the most powerful answers to prayer involve the provision of strength to endure rather than provision of a path to escape. Your courage may be a sign that God's people are praying for you and that God's Spirit is at work on your behalf....

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Prayer and Outcomes: Philippians 1:19

The cause of much of our prayerlessness is that we have convinced ourselves that our prayers don't effect outcomes....

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Jealousy and The Important Thing: Philippians 1:18

This is one of the great secrets in our battle with jealousy. If you find your jealousy meter ringing uncontrollably, you've discovered something you've pre-decided you needed in order to be joyful. You're not getting it, hence the jealousy....

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Why the deterrent backfired: Philippians 1:14

Suffering wasn't a surprise twist in their story. Suffering was expected, like a deep darkness before a certain dawn....

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A Different Actually: Philippians 1:12

What if God is actually transforming you in the midst of your pain? What if he's having an effect on the lives of people around you as they witness you walk through your dark valley?...

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Jealousy-Detox Boot Camp Follow-Up

Four practical steps toward cleansing ourselves from jealousy and creating space for more joy in our lives...

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Love AND Knowledge: Philippians 1:9

Paul's writing helps us break the false dichotomy between head and heart....

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We Are Family: Philippians 1:7

There's a connection between all of us who share in God's grace together....

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