The Connect Devotional - a daily devotional with CCC

The connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now.  It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.

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Repetition as Safeguard

Repetition allows us to re-engage with the mystery and wonder of our faith ... and with the person who stands at the center of our faith, Jesus. To paraphrase one commentator, we never move on from Jesus, only to a more profound understanding and appreciation of him....

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Paul didn't mind repeating himself in his letter to his friends. After delving deeply into theology and service, he circles back to his theme of joy: "rejoice in the Lord!"...

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Hoarding Relationships

When we participate in the bigger gospel story, we learn how to be close to people even when they're out of sight. Our bonds don't get broken by time or distance. We're freed from the temptation to hoard people like possessions....

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Honor People Like Him

Chatham Church is full of men and women who serve week in and week out, at times at great personal cost. As we read about Epaphroditus and ask "Do we know people like him?" our answer is a resounding "Yes!"...

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The Cost of Service

In Jesus Christ, you are secure even when you're not safe. Your value is secure, so you can take risks. Your relationships are secure, so you can speak the truth to power. Your eternal destiny is secure, so you can sacrifice your temporary comfort and safety....

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A Relationship Generating Story

The gospel story is a relationship generator. It brings people together across class and ethnic lines, across gender barriers and political divides, even across generation gaps....

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Faith Motivated Service

When God gives us new life in Christ, he doesn't just shape our actions, he also shaped our motives. He does this because God cares about who we're becoming, not just about what we're doing....

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Shine like stars

Where in the sky has the Lord placed you? Where is the Lord calling you to shine?...

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Blameless and Pure

When we become followers of Christ, we become children of God. And there are certain behaviors that just are not tolerated in God's family. Paul is helping his friends to see this so they don't get led astray, confusing maturity with grumpiness....

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Grumbling and Arguing

Grumbling and arguing reveal what's really going on inside of us. They're red flags, warning lights. They reveal that our process of working out our salvation is going astray. Something has hijacked our working our of our salvation....

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