Life and life and life

Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life.
- John 6:47

Jesus uses the word "life" eighteen times in this one conversation with the crowd, recorded toward the end of John 6. Life and life and life and life. Over and over again.

Jesus relentlessly insists that life is found in him and with him and that what he's offering is true life. He insists that he's the best and only source of life. Throughout the dialogue, he repeatedly contrasts the life he's bringing with the death we all naturally experience.

Many of us have experience with this promise of life that Jesus offers us. We're received a new life from Jesus that transforms us and frees us from the victory of death.

This is easy to see in people who've experienced radical conversations. The old is gone. Everyone can see the dramatic transformation. If that's you, pause to give thanks for that new life today.

For those of us who've grown up in and around the Christian faith, transformation is more subtle. We grow steadily, with occasional seasons punctuated with intense growth-transformation-change. Struggles and crises allow God to unlock new levels of life in us. But, day-to-day, the rising tide of life in us appears gradual.

Just because it's gradual, that doesn't make it not valuable.

Where have you seen new life in your own life? Where have you seen it in others? How can you embrace and celebrate that new life today?

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