Grumbling to Jesus

“Stop grumbling among yourselves,” Jesus answered.
- John 6:43

The “among yourselves” in today’s passage really jumped out to us. People had concerns, doubts and frustrations about Jesus’ teaching. But, rather than taking their concerns, doubts and frustrations to Jesus, they grumbled amongst themselves.

Doubting and grumbling often happen in the darkness. Afraid of how others will respond to our doubts and questions (or simply preferring to talk with someone who we know in advance will agree with us), we keep them to ourselves or share them only with those who we know will echo – not challenge or answer – our concerns.

Doubt and questions can be healthy if we engage with them in healthy ways. We have to turn toward Jesus with our doubt and questions, not away from him. When we turn toward Jesus with our doubts and questions, it gives him a chance to actually speak into them, maybe even answer them. When we turn away from Jesus in our doubts and questions, we cut ourselves off from the only source that can give us life-giving answers.

People don’t always like the answers that Jesus gives when they take their grumbles to him, but at least the conversations are productive.

How do we as a community invite people toward the light when they’re doubting or grumbling? How can we grow in this? How do we do this – engage Jesus directly – ourselves when we have doubts and questions?

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