Love Your Neighbor Today

For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Galatians 5:14

This week we're starting a new series on marriage: "Happily Ever After." Everyone who gets married hopes to live happily ever after. But it's hard work to have a great marriage.

Throughout this series, we're also going to be paying careful attention to those of us who are not married. Maybe you've never been married. Maybe you're divorced or have lost the person that you loved. We want you to know we're thinking about you also as we prepare this material.

Over the next 6 weeks we're going to be talking about biblical principles of communication and conflict that will be helpful for everyone to know.

Our passage today might sound familiar. "Love your neighbor as yourself." When you hear that, you're probably thinking to yourself: "Wasn't that in Leviticus 19:18?" And, yes. Yes it was. And it's also quoted by Jesus in the gospels as one of the greatest commandments. And Paul (who wrote Galatians) picks it up again here.

The passage in Galatians we're going to be looking at this week doesn't mention marriage once. The principles we'll learn in Galatians apply to marriage but also to all of our relationships.

Love your neighbor.

If you're married, ask yourself today "What does it look like to love my spouse?" If you're not married, ask yourself "Who is my neighbor?"

At the core of the biblical teaching about loving your neighbor is the idea that we all receive opportunities to love. We're surrounded by neighbors.

What does it look like to love your neighbor today?

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