The Connect Devotional - a daily devotional with CCC

The connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now.  It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.

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Connect Devotional

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What love looks like

The clearest picture of love isn’t buried in some corner of the future or hiding in some region of the present. You can see love as easily as you can see your own shadow … if you’ll look....

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Love in Common

We need common ground and we need someone else to set it for us....

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What is love? (no definition here)

Our valuation of love can vary as widely as our definitions of it....

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Sabbath Questions

The Pharisees look at the individual behavior and not the system behind it. They ask about the disciples’ activity and not their poverty....

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Sabbath Conflict

Sabbath often brings collisions between our values. What do we do when our values collide?...

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A Rest for the People of God

Rest requires effort. Rest is not passive. Rest is active and rewarding. And when our restless souls find their rest in God, we thrive....

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Work and Rest

From God’s initial creative work in the universe work and rest are intertwined....

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Taking stock of sabbath

The Lord provided non-condescending support, guidance, and structure in the Sabbath...

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No Longer Slaves

Slaves work day-in and day-out. They have no rest from their labors. But our heavenly Father wants to give us good, good rest....

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Rest as Imitation

Our reasons for rest reach back to the ground of creation and the dawn of time. ...

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