Two Songs for Sunday, October 13, 2024: Take You at Your Word & Oceans
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, October 13, 2024: Take You at Your Word & Oceans. Rejoice!...
Keep ReadingEvery Thursday we will post videos of a few of the songs we will be singing the following Sunday. To see those songs, click on "All Posts" above.
October 10, 2024 by Michael Gaffigan | Category: Weekly Music Notes | Tags: worship music, oceans, praise music, Jesus music, hymns, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Chatham Church, Jaime Castaner-Weiss, worship songs, praise songs, Christian songs, Jesus songs, Kaitlin Newell, Take You At Your Word, Hillsong United, Cody Carnes
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, October 13, 2024: Take You at Your Word & Oceans. Rejoice!...
Keep ReadingMarch 10, 2022 by Michael Gaffigan | Category: Weekly Music Notes | Tags: worship music, oceans, 40, praise music, Jesus music, hymns, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, worship songs, praise songs, Christian songs, Jesus songs, Kaitlin Newell, Surrounded, Hillsong United, Free Worship, Marcos Witt
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, March 13, 2022: Surrounded & Oceans. Our redeemer lives! Come Holy Spirit, Come!...
Keep ReadingMay 14, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: Chatham Community Church, My Lighthouse, worship music, oceans, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Chatham Church, maggie stith, Jaime Castaner-Weiss, Curtis Stith, Hillsong United, Rend Collective
These are two songs we will sing Sunday, May 17, 2020: Oceans & My lighthouse. Tune in and share our time of worship!...
Keep ReadingAugust 17, 2017 by | Tags: worship, music, Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, oceans, I will follow, Christian, grace
The following are two songs we will sing Sunday, August 20th, 2017: Oceans by Hillsong & I will follow by Chris Tomlin. Praise his name!...
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