Every Thursday we will post videos of a few of the songs we will be singing the following Sunday. To see those songs, click on "All Posts" above.
- 2025
- 2024
- December 4
- November 4
- October 4
- September 4
- August 5
- July 4
- June 4
- May 5
- April 3
- March 4
- February 5
- January 4
- 2023
- December 4
- November 5
- October 3
- September 3
- August 5
- July 4
- June 5
- May 4
- April 3
- March 5
- February 4
- January 4
- 2022
- December 5
- November 4
- October 3
- September 5
- August 4
- July 4
- June 5
- May 4
- April 4
- March 5
- February 3
- January 4
- 2021
- December 6
- November 4
- October 4
- September 5
- August 4
- July 5
- June 4
- May 4
- April 5
- March 4
- February 4
- January 4
- 2020
- December 5
- November 3
- October 5
- September 4
- August 4
- July 5
- June 3
- May 4
- April 5
- March 4
- February 4
- January 5
- 2019
- December 2
- November 3
- October 5
- September 4
- August 5
- July 4
- June 4
- May 4
- April 4
- March 5
- February 3
- January 5
- 2018
- December 3
- November 5
- October 3
- September 4
- August 5
- July 4
- June 4
- May 4
- April 4
- March 5
- February 4
- January 4
- 2017
- worship music 331
- praise music 321
- Alex Kirk 307
- Jesus music 264
- Christian music 243
- CCC 201
- praise songs 201
- Chatham Church 201
- worship songs 199
- Christian songs 174
- Jesus songs 168
- Jaime Castaner Weiss 163
- hymns 158
- Kaitlin Newell 155
- Chatham Community Church 141
- 40 98
- elevation worship 56
- Bethel Music 56
- Jaime Castaner-Weiss 47
- Jaime Castaner 47
- maggie stith 45
- Carrboro Church 42
- Steve Tamayo 36
- Chris Tomlin 36
- Jesus 32
- Hillsong 27
- North Chatham Church 26
- Hillsong Worship 25
- Chatham Church North 25
- Selah 22
- praise 22
- Chatham 22
- Phil Wickham 22
- worship 21
- we the kingdom 21
- god so loved 20
- gospel music 20
- Hillsong United 19
- contemporary christian music 19
- Maverick City Music 19
- Christmas songs 18
- kari jobe 17
- Christmas music 16
- Israel Houghton 16
- brandon lake 16
- Cody Carnes 16
- resurrecting 15
- contemporary Christian songs 15
- king of my heart 15
- House of the Lord 15
- Jaime Castener Weiss 15
- holy music 15
- Curtis Stith 14
- Lauren Daigle 13
- Maverick City 13
- Zach Williams 12
- Jesus Culture 12
- reckless love 12
- Darlene Zschech 12
- music 12
- sing to the king 12
- Before the throne of God above 11
- MercyMe 11
- Matt Redman 11
- Jaime Castener-Weiss 10
- Great are you Lord 10
- No Longer Slaves 10
- Cornerstone 10
- greater 10
- what a beautiful name 10
- Be glad 10
- Jesus at the Center 10
- Meredith Andrews 10
- Passion 10
- King of Love 10
- Pat Barrett 10
- the blessing 9
- todd dulaney 9
- cory asbury 9
- victor's crown 9
- Jesus we love you 9
- Paul Baloche 9
- anything is possible 9
- I Thank God 9
- graves into gardens 9
- Glorious Day 9
- William McDowell 9
- build my life 9
- I give myself away 8
- sacred music 8
- jesus paid it all 8
- Christmas Carols 8
- Rend Collective 8
- Goodness of God 8
- dante bowe 8
- CeCe Winans 8
- New Breed 7
- Holy Spirit 7
- charity gayle 7
- We Praise You 7
- Forever 7
- Surrounded 7
- your great name 7
- Soar 7
- Jaime 7
- sandra mccracken 7
- Kristian Stanfill 7
- same god 7
- I am they 7
- Casting Crowns 7
- Easter Songs 6
- Jireh 6
- My Lighthouse 6
- We will go 6
- Good Grace 6
- Good Good Father 6
- Champion 6
- Watoto Children's Choir 6
- do it again 6
- who you say I am 6
- jenn johnson 6
- Christmas hymns 6
- passion worship band 6
- Matt Maher 6
- Such an awesome God 5
- freedom 5
- easter music 5
- great I am 5
- Take You At Your Word 5
- Fernando Ortega 5
- hold us together 5
- in christ alone 5
- steffany gretzinger 5
- church music 5
- billy foote 5
- Christmas 5
- Beautiful Things 5
- Our God Saves 5
- more and more 5
- Multiplied 5
- at the cross 5
- you are good 5
- Amanda Cook 5
- LaRue Howard 5
- All my fountains 5
- alex campos 5
- turn to you 5
- King of Kings 5
- 000 Reasons 5
- 10 5
- thy mercy 5
- ain't no grave 4
- gratitude 4
- youthful praise 4
- be thou my vision 4
- holy forever 4
- Naomi Raine 4
- you make me brave 4
- natalie grant 4
- here comes heaven 4
- o come to the altar 4
- all things new 4
- Solid Rock 4
- oceans 4
- How many kings 4
- Easter 4
- Downhere 4
- Before the Throne 4
- hope's anthem 4
- Chatham North 4
- Jonathan David 4
- joyful joyful we adore thee 4
- Community 4
- come thou fount 4
- church 4
- Jeremy Riddle 4
- kristyn getty 4
- way maker 4
- Firm Foundation 4
- Chatham North Church 4
- Tasha Cobbs Leonard 4
- passion band 4
- Let us rise 4
- Lord you're mighty 4
- Bethel worship 4
- it is well 4
- Build Your Kingdom Here 4
- Marcos Witt 4
- Rodeado 4
- how great thou art 3
- Hosanna 3
- joy unspeakable joy 3
- Noel 3
- how deep the father's love for us 3
- Kari Jobe 3
- o come o come emmanuel 3
- only true God 3
- Sarah Reeves 3
- Kim Walker-Smith 3
- let us rise 3
- new wine 3
- Kristin Stanfill 3
- Paul McClure 3
- Melissa Helser 3
- I turn to you 3
- Pentatonix 3
- I speak Jesus 3
- Israel Hougton 3
- North Chatham 3
- the Rend Collective 3
- Thank You Jesus for the Blood 3
- gospel songs 3
- bethel 3
- God rest ye merry gentlemen 3
- Go Tell It On The Mountain 3
- Stephanie Gretzinger 3
- Free Worship 3
- Turn Your Eyes 3
- Gungor 3
- community church 3
- consuming fire 3
- ensename a amar 3
- holy songs 3
- Elevation Music 3
- david crowder band 3
- sons & daughters 3
- chain breaker 3
- Before the throne of God 3
- You Are I Am 3
- he has come for us 3
- your love never fails 3
- audrey assad 3
- Here I am send me 3
- All the way my savior leads me 3
- Hillsong music 3
- All Sons and Daughters 3
- Christ is mine forevermore 2
- Christmas Eve 2
- kristene dimarco 2
- Angels 2
- Turn your eyes upon Jesus 2
- Alex 2
- Keith and Kristyn Getty 2
- this is amazing grace 2
- newsboys 2
- This is a move 2
- Crown Him 2
- Rattle! 2
- Jonsal Barrientes 2
- no longer slaves 2
- rejoice 2
- we believe 2
- lent songs 2
- lent music 2
- carols 2
- Benson Boone 2
- Austin Stone worship 2
- Molly Skaggs 2
- Bethel church 2
- bless the lord 2
- Maryanne J. George 2
- break every chain 2
- William Matthews 2
- carrie underwood 2
- Mercy Me 2
- jj hairston 2
- Light of the world 2
- What a glorious night 2
- Chatham Church Pittsboro 2
- Our God 2
- lenten songs 2
- Angels we have heard on high 2
- lenten music 2
- great is thy faithfulness 2
- Kaitlyn Newell 2
- desert song 2
- I will follow 2
- risen 2
- Steve 2
- Israel Houghton and New Breed 2
- israel and the new breed 2
- Isabel Davis 2
- indescribable 2
- In Jesus' name 2
- spiritual music 2
- I surrender 2
- revelation song 2
- So Will I 2
- I Have Decided to Follow Jesus 2
- I am who you say I am 2
- Here and now 2
- Sing and shout 2
- How great is our god 2
- Sinach 2
- Sidewalk Prophets 2
- send me 2
- Fee 2
- Israel and New Breed 2
- jesus music 2
- Jamie Castaner Weiss 2
- resurrection music 1
- worship together 1
- passion worship band 1
- Psalm 40 1
- rattle 1
- worship for christ 1
- the goodness of God 1
- palm sunday songs 1
- palm sunday music 1
- the great i am 1
- Sarah Reeves 1
- slavery 1
- the wonderful cross 1
- worship songs worship music 1
- Sarah McMillan 1
- worship music 1
- sidney mohede 1
- youth sunday 1
- Shane and Shane 1
- you say 1
- the old rugged cross 1
- you make me brave 1
- The McClures 1
- the solid rock 1
- rCCC 1
- o holy night 1
- Sarah Young 1
- the hymns project 1
- Yolanda Adams 1
- open the eyes of my heart 1
- yes and amen 1
- sons and daughters 1
- words 1
- The five blind boys of mississippi 1
- traditional 1
- U2 1
- Travis Greene 1
- tasha cobbs 1
- Village Chapel Worship Team 1
- praise music 1
- vince gill 1
- voice of truth 1
- tasha cobb 1
- WayMaker 1
- Pittsboro Campus 1
- Pittsboro 1
- Phillips 1
- Rich Mullins 1
- praise song 1
- Royal Tailor 1
- praise music Chatham 1
- Will Reagan 1
- Witney Phipps 1
- Salvation's Tide 1
- passion music 1
- The David Crowder Band 1
- William Murphy 1
- resurrection 1
- salvation 1
- sacred songs 1
- Praise to the Lord the Almighty 1
- what child is this 1
- religious music 1
- Phil Thompson 1
- Thank you Jesus for the love 1
- spirituals 1
- Send Me Out 1
- Jesus 1
- o come emmanuel 1
- Come thou long expected Jesus 1
- Crystal Gayle 1
- Crown Him with many crowns 1
- Craig & Dean 1
- Covenant Worship 1
- Corey Asbury 1
- come to the altar 1
- Come all ye faithful 1
- eddie james 1
- Come Alive 1
- Cody Barnes 1
- cityalight 1
- City Alight 1
- Christine Rhee 1
- Christianity 1
- devotional music 1
- Elenyi 1
- Christian 1
- firm foundation (he won't) 1
- glorious days 1
- give me Jesus 1
- from the inside out 1
- forever reign 1
- for the sake of the world 1
- For God so loved 1
- fear is a liar 1
- Elvis 1
- faith music 1
- Everything glorious 1
- Enseñame A Amar. CCC 1
- Enseñame A Amar 1
- ensaname a amar 1
- endless hallelujah 1
- Elvis Presley 1
- Christian worship 1
- Christ is mine alone for evermore 1
- glory to God forever 1
- Alison Krauss 1
- awesome 1
- Atmospheric Shift 1
- anniversary 1
- Andrea Bocelli 1
- amen 1
- amazing grace 1
- ain't no grave 1
- benjamin hastings 1
- adoration music 1
- adoration 1
- Aaron Moses 1
- A mighty fortress is our God 1
- You are I am 1
- O come let us adore him 1
- no longer slaves 1
- bellevue baptist church 1
- bethel city music 1
- Christ Alone 1
- Chandler Moore 1
- Christ 1
- chris rice 1
- Chris Tomlin 1
- Chatham Community Church 1
- Chatham Community 1
- charles jenkins 1
- celebration music 1
- blessed assurance 1
- Capital City Music 1
- build your kingdom 1
- build a life 1
- Brooke Ligertwood 1
- Brenton Brown 1
- brandon heath 1
- Born is the king 1
- glory 1
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlement 1
- no longer slaves 1
- Kristen Newell 1
- Leeland 1
- Lecrae 1
- leaning on the everlasting arms 1
- Lauryn Hill 1
- lauren daigle 1
- kristine dimarco 1
- Kirk Franklin 1
- love never fails 1
- king of hearts 1
- Keith Getty 1
- Keith & Kristyn Getty 1
- Kaitlin Newell' 1
- Kaitlin Newel 1
- Joyful 1
- Lord I need you 1
- Lydia Walker 1
- johnny cash 1
- Mighty to save 1
- Nineveh 1
- new 1
- need to breathe 1
- NCH 1
- Nate Moore 1
- Mormon Tabernacle Choir 1
- Michele Stith 1
- Making me new 1
- Michael W. Smith 1
- Melissa Hesler 1
- Maverick Music 1
- matt Mather 1
- Maryanne George 1
- Maryann George 1
- Marco Witt 1
- Joy to the world 1
- Johnathan David 1
- God so loved the world 1
- holiness 1
- how can it be 1
- house of miracles 1
- holy spiriit 1
- Holy is the lord 1
- holy 1
- holly skaggs 1
- hillsong paris 1
- how he loves 1
- Here come heaven 1
- Heartsong 1
- Hawk Nelson 1
- hallelujah music 1
- hallelujah 1
- grace 1
- gospel 1
- How deep the father's love for us is 1
- How he loves 1
- John David Helser 1
- Jacklyn Carr 1
- Jesus song 1
- Jesus Culture 1
- jennie lee riddle 1
- jaime weiss 1
- Mighty to save 1
- jaime casaneter weiss 1
- J.J. Hairston 1
- I am who I say I am 1
- It is well with my soul 1
- it is done 1
- Israel Hougton and the New Breed 1
- Inside out 1
- in jesus name 1
- I'll take you at your word 1
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day 1
- zoe grace 1
- Michael Gaffigan 261
- 124