Two Songs for Sunday, July 3, 2022: Good Grace & More and More
Enjoy two of the songs we will sing Sunday, July 3, 2022: Good Grace & More & More. Rejoice in our redeemer!...
Keep ReadingEvery Thursday we will post videos of a few of the songs we will be singing the following Sunday. To see those songs, click on "All Posts" above.
June 30, 2022 by Michael Gaffigan | Category: Weekly Music Notes | Tags: Chatham Community Church, worship music, praise music, Jesus music, hymns, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, more and more, Chatham Church, holy music, worship songs, praise songs, holy songs, Christian songs, Jesus songs, Kaitlin Newell, Good Grace, Hillsong United, Israel Houghton and New Breed
Enjoy two of the songs we will sing Sunday, July 3, 2022: Good Grace & More & More. Rejoice in our redeemer!...
Keep ReadingFebruary 25, 2021 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, I give myself away, 40, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, contemporary christian music, holy music, praise songs, Christian songs, Jesus songs, this is amazing grace, William McDowell, Phil Wickham, Lecrae
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, February 28, 2021: I give myself away and This is amazing grace. Come, praise our savior!...
Keep ReadingFebruary 4, 2021 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, resurrecting, praise music, Jesus music, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, hold us together, holy music, Matt Maher, elevation worship
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, February 7, 2021: Hold us together & Resurrecting. Praise our almighty, redeeming God!...
Keep ReadingJanuary 7, 2021 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, praise music, Jesus music, hymns, Jesus we love you, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, contemporary christian music, sacred music, holy music, Sing and shout, Bethel Music, Matt Redman
These are two songs we will sing Sunday, January 10, 2021: Sing and shout & Jesus we love you. Praise our king of kings!...
Keep ReadingDecember 31, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: Chatham Community Church, worship music, o come to the altar, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, sacred music, holy music, It is well with my soul, Bethel Music, elevation worship, kristene dimarco
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, January 3, 2021: O come to the altar & It is well with my soul. Praise God who is with us!...
Keep ReadingDecember 24, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, 40, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, maggie stith, Christmas Carols, god so loved, sacred music, holy music, Come all ye faithful, passion worship band, we the kingdom
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, December 27, 2020: God so loved & Come all ye faithful. Praise our king--God with us!...
Keep ReadingDecember 3, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: Chatham Community Church, Meredith Andrews, worship music, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, maggie stith, sacred music, holy music, God rest ye merry gentlemen, he has come for us, Christmas hymns, Christmas music
This is one of the songs we will sing Sunday, December 6, 2020: He has come for us (God rest ye merry gentlemen). Rejoice in our living, risen Lord and savior! God is with us! ...
Keep ReadingNovember 19, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: Forever, worship music, praise music, Jesus music, 10, 000 Reasons, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, maggie stith, gospel music, sacred music, holy music, spiritual music, Matt Redman, kari jobe
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, November 22, 2020: 10,000 reasons (Bless the Lord) and Forever. Join us online to worship our redeemer, our healer, God with us-Emmanuel!...
Keep ReadingNovember 12, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, 40, praise music, Jesus music, how great thou art, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, maggie stith, gospel music, holy music, do it again, Lauren Daigle, elevation worship
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, November 15, 2020: Do it again & How great thou art. Praise our king! Worship our Emmanuel!...
Keep ReadingNovember 5, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, Before the throne of God above, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, sing to the king, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, maggie stith, holy music, Selah, passion worship band, 40, gospel music
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, November 8, 2020: Before the throne of God above & Sing to the king. Rejoice--God is God Almighty, and Jesus is our redeemer!...
Keep ReadingOctober 29, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, Chatham, All my fountains, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, reckless love, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, maggie stith, gospel music, contemporary christian music, sacred music, holy music, faith music, Passion, Chris Tomlin, Bethel Music, cory asbury
These are two of the many wonderful songs we will sing Sunday, November 1, 2020: Reckless love & All my fountains. Join us on YouTube in worship for the King of Kings, God with us!...
Keep ReadingOctober 22, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, Cornerstone, Beautiful Things, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, maggie stith, gospel music, holy music, adoration music, Gungor, Hillsong
These are two of the wonderful songs we will sing together Sunday, October 25, 2020: Beautiful things & Cornerstone. Join us online or in Sunday Together worship! ...
Keep ReadingOctober 8, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, praise music, Good Good Father, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, church music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, maggie stith, gospel music, holy music, who you say I am, Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, Pat Barrett
These are two of the wonderful songs we will sing Sunday, October 11, 2020: Good, good Father & Who you say I am. Come join us!...
Keep ReadingOctober 1, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, 40, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Chatham Church, maggie stith, god so loved, holy music, build my life, Jaime Castaner Weiss
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, October 4, 2020: Build my life & God so loved. Praise our redeemer!...
Keep ReadingMay 28, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: Bethel Music, worship music, praise music, Jesus Culture, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Chatham Church, maggie stith, youthful praise, Jaime Castaner-Weiss, jj hairston, Curtis Stith, holy music, steffany gretzinger
These are two of the many songs we will sing Sunday, May 31, 2020: King of my heart and Lord you're mighty. Praise his wonderful, glorious name!...
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