Two Songs for Sunday, July 23, 2023: Such An Awesome God & I Give Myself Away
These are two wonderful songs we will sing Sunday, July 23, 2023: Such An Awesome God & I Give Myself Away. Praise Him with us!...
Keep ReadingEvery Thursday we will post videos of a few of the songs we will be singing the following Sunday. To see those songs, click on "All Posts" above.
July 20, 2023 by Michael Gaffigan | Category: Weekly Music Notes | Tags: worship music, I give myself away, praise music, Jesus music, hymns, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, worship songs, praise songs, Christian songs, Jesus songs, Chatham North, Such an awesome God, Maverick City, William McDowell
These are two wonderful songs we will sing Sunday, July 23, 2023: Such An Awesome God & I Give Myself Away. Praise Him with us!...
Keep ReadingJune 2, 2022 by Michael Gaffigan | Category: Weekly Music Notes | Tags: worship music, I give myself away, praise music, Jesus music, hymns, CCC, Alex Kirk, Jaime Castaner Weiss, worship songs, praise songs, Jesus songs, build a life, Chatham Church North, Chris Tomlin, William McDowell, Pat Barrett, Kaitlin Newell
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, June 5, 2022: I Give Myself Away and Build a Life. Rejoice!...
Keep ReadingFebruary 25, 2021 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: worship music, I give myself away, 40, praise music, Jesus music, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, contemporary christian music, holy music, praise songs, Christian songs, Jesus songs, this is amazing grace, William McDowell, Phil Wickham, Lecrae
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, February 28, 2021: I give myself away and This is amazing grace. Come, praise our savior!...
Keep ReadingMarch 26, 2020 by Michael Gaffigan | Tags: Chatham Community Church, Chris Tomlin, William McDowell, I give myself away, 40, CCC, Alex Kirk, maggie stith, Jaime Castaner-Weiss, the wonderful cross
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, March 29, 2020: I give myself away and The wonderful cross. Tune in and sing along as we worship our wonderful God, our Lord and savior!...
Keep ReadingAugust 8, 2019 by | Tags: Chatham Community Church, worship music, William McDowell, I give myself away, Selah, Before the throne of God above, praise music, Jesus music
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, August 11, 2019: Before the throne of God above & I give myself away. Praise our risen king!...
Keep ReadingJuly 4, 2019 by | Tags: Chatham Community Church, Chris Tomlin, worship music, William McDowell, I give myself away, Chatham, All my fountains, praise music, Jesus music, Alex Kirk, Steve Tamayo, Christian music, Jaime Castener Weiss, passion band
Listen and worship with these two songs we will sing Sunday, July 7, 2019: I give myself away & All my fountains. Praise His Holy Name!...
Keep ReadingFebruary 1, 2018 by | Tags: worship music, Cornerstone, William McDowell, I give myself away, Hillsong, praise music Chatham, community church
The following are two songs we will sing Sunday, February 4, 2018: I give myself away by William McDowell, and Cornerstone by Hillsong. Praise Him!...
Keep ReadingNovember 30, 2017 by | Tags: Jesus, worship music, William McDowell, I give myself away, Chatham, elevation worship, resurrecting, praise music
Resurrecting by Elevation Worship The head that once was crowned with thornsIs crowned with glory nowThe Savior knelt to wash our feetNow at His feet we bow The One who wore our sin and shameNow robed in majestyThe radiance of perfect loveNow shines for all to see Your name, Your nameIs victoryAll praise, will riseTo Christ, our king Your name, Your nameIs victor...
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