Two songs for Sunday, September 12, 2021: Amen & Graves into gardens
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, September 12, 2021: Amen & Graves into gardens. Praise and sing, rejoice in our savior, redeemer, king of kings!...
Keep ReadingEvery Thursday we will post videos of a few of the songs we will be singing the following Sunday. To see those songs, click on "All Posts" above.
September 9, 2021 by Michael Gaffigan | Category: Weekly Music Notes | Tags: worship music, praise music, Jesus music, hymns, CCC, Alex Kirk, Christian music, Jaime Castaner Weiss, Chatham Church, worship songs, praise songs, Christian songs, Jesus songs, Carrboro Church, amen, graves into gardens, elevation worship, charity gayle
These are two of the songs we will sing Sunday, September 12, 2021: Amen & Graves into gardens. Praise and sing, rejoice in our savior, redeemer, king of kings!...
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