What’s the Story Behind Your Story?

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19 Amplified Bible)

When you think about the person (or people) who showed you what it looked like to follow Jesus, who comes to mind? What behaviors or practices were most helpful to you? 

Did they help you understand more about the Bible? Or answer questions that you had about what it means to be a Christian? 

Or maybe they modeled what it looked like to pray? Or perhaps showed you how to have a “quiet time” or a devotion time with the Lord. Or maybe it was a dozen other possibilities! 

Each of our stories are different because there are many, many ways followers of Jesus can obey this command. There are many different ways to be part of Jesus’ disciple-making work – and at least one of them is a good fit for you! 

In practical terms, what does it mean to “make disciples”?

I chose the translation above because it captures it clearly and simply. Making disciples involves helping people to:

  1. Learn of Jesus
  2. Believe in Jesus
  3. Obey the words of Jesus.

Think for a moment, what are the ways you tend to help people learn about Jesus? Maybe you read Bible stories with your children. Or you invite friends or family members to church to hear the Gospel taught. What are other ways you could do this?

Your “personal testimony” or your story of how you came to faith, is a powerful way to demonstrate what it looks like to believe in Jesus. Please, never underestimate the power of your story. God can use what you might think as ordinary and cause it to have an extraordinary impact in the life of someone who hears!

Notice that “obey” comes last in this little list. Why do you think that is? Perhaps because it is difficult to follow the commands of someone we do not know and trust. Therefore, as we help others to get to know Jesus and place their trust in Him as Lord and Savior, He then enables us to obey Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Being a Christ-follower (or a “Jesus person”) is a lifelong pursuit. An exciting journey of adventure and discovery. At some point someone invited you “come aboard.” We thank the Lord for their investment in you! Who are the people in your life that God wants you to help “come aboard” into a life of following Jesus?

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