No Longer Invisible

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation (Colossians 1:15).

The Son - Jesus - is the image of the invisible God. Wait. Stop…right…there.

This is an awe-inspiring Truth that we ought to sit and ponder.

How could God, the Creator of all things, the One who spoke the Universe into existence, be seen with our imperfect vision? How could the Infinite be perceived by those who are finite? And yet here it is: “The Son is the image (visible!) of the invisible God.”

In our recent series, Age to Age, we studied how God dwelt with His people in a variety of ways. He appeared as pillars of fire and clouds as He led His people to the Promised Land. His Spirit filled the Temple. He spoke His Word through the prophets. He moved kings and kingdoms to try and get the attention - and the hearts - of His people, Israel.

All of this, but never literally Face to Face. In fact, God told Moses, “You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live” (Exodus 33:20). Yes, signs of His presence, in a burning bush, pillars of clouds and fire, miraculous wonders. But the Doer of all these things remained invisible.

But in the New Testament, Jesus, God incarnate, comes to earth to dwell among us. The God of the universe left the Throne of Heaven to live among His people. Wow.

Other world religions prescribe methods for humans to ascend to a “higher state.” But in the Supremacy of God, He chose to humble Himself as a babe and descend to us. All so that we might know Him personally.

Jesus is the image of the invisible God, and through His life, death and resurrection, Jesus gives us Himself so that we can be His image-bearers to the world.

The season of Advent is a time for us to prepare our hearts for the One who made the invisible visible, this Jesus who is God. It is a time for us to have Hope in the coming Savior of the World. The One who ultimately restores all things.

Take a moment and ask the Lord one or two ways you can extend the Hope of Jesus this week. Is it through prayer or a tangible act of service? Who is the Lord impressing upon your heart that He wants to make Himself visible to?

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