Nice Guys and Lasting Results


Editor's note: please enjoy two pieces today, written by the ever marvelous Dave and Jessica!


No More Mr. Nice Guy

Dave Patterson

“Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk’” (Acts 3:6). 

Peter and John have me convinced. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

I’ve been told I’m a nice guy.

I’ve even been described as super nice.

But I want to start living supernatural(ly).

When Peter and John encountered the beggar outside the temple, a nice thing to do would have been to give him a piece of silver.  Giving him a piece of gold would have been super nice.  But instead, they acted supernaturally.  

This beggar was well known and had been a fixture at the temple for a long time.  I’m sure many nice people helped with some food, coins, or clothing.  Yet none of these nice things changed his life.  He was still crippled, still begging, and still without dignity.

But we see Peter be more than nice.  Through the power of the Spirit, Peter gave this man an experience with Jesus.  It was not someone’s natural tendency to be nice that changed this man’s life. It was the supernatural act of connecting this man to Jesus that changed his life, as well as serving as a witness to all the people around. 

I can be more than just a nice guy. I can be supernatural when I lead with Jesus.  Beyond just being nice and helpful to those in need, I need to ask them about Jesus. Do they have a relationship with Jesus? How can we help others to make space in their life for church to help them on their journey to Jesus? Or are there small group opportunities to help nurture their relationship with Jesus?  Like Peter, offering the name of Jesus can bring healing to people in my life.  

I have the natural tendency to be a nice guy. But when I let the Spirit empower me to live supernaturally, I can bring healing and change people’s lives. 

Being a nice person is wonderful.  But where are you missing the opportunity to not just be nice, but to be supernatural through the power of the Spirit?  It’s all about Jesus!  Don’t hold back this week. Turn an opportunity to be nice into something supernatural by sharing the Good News of Jesus with someone else.


Lasting Results

Jessica Waldstein

So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Acts 3:5

We’re bombarded with ads this time of year. They’re on TV, social media, and all over the internet: lose thirty pounds in thirty days! Be your best self by following this ten-step program! This supplement is the fountain of youth! There are claims for self-improvement screaming at us, competing for and demanding our attention. We give our attention, and in return expect to be given results.

The man in Acts 3 had been lame since birth. It doesn’t say how old he was, but it’s safe to say he was an adult. He wasn’t actively seeking healing; his legs simply hadn’t worked his whole life, so he did what he could to support himself. There he sat, outside the temple gate, going through the motions of asking passersby for money when some guy said, “Look at us!” 

I’m sure the man wasn’t begging with his eyes closed, but I’m also sure he saw lots of people every day coming and going from the temple. At first, his hopes may have been dashed: Peter and John didn’t have any money to give him.  But they did have something better! Peter called on the Spirit to meet the deeper need in the man’s life. Talk about unexpected and amazing results!

This new year we may go looking for weight loss or fitness results, ways to create better habits, or any number of ways to better ourselves. Let’s do so seeing the folks on the journey with us, and remembering we have access to the Power that has lasting results: for immediate needs and for needs we’ve been carrying around so long that we may not even realize are needs anymore.

We likely don’t have the resources to give the folks around us everything they need. What we do have access to is the Spirit and His power! God, help us to remember we can participate in Living Supernaturally by freely calling on your name, for ourselves and on behalf of others. Amen.

1 Comment

Dave, you're more than just a super nice guy, you're truly kind and discerning, which flows from the Holy Spirit within you. You give people what they need. I'm blessed to know both you Spirit-filled writers.

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