Love One Another

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality (Romans 12:10-13).

“Thank you for praying, we had a breakthrough this week!” 

“I am grateful to know you were willing to help me carry my burden in this situation.” 

These are just two sentiments I hear (or see) expressed in our small group. Recently, as we reflected together on our experiences of Living Supernaturally these past weeks, we recognized that supernatural living could come in different forms. Sometimes we witness occurrences we might say were “extraordinary” or even “miraculous”. At other times, it is “in doing life together,” in sharing each other’s burdens and blessings, that we see the supernatural slowly unfolding.

When we as Christ-followers allow the Spirit to order our time and direct our steps, everyday miracles take place in our midst. Our small group has sought to love one another in Jesus’ name. As we have done so, we have seen the kinds of things Paul wrote about happening among us. Prayers are being answered, relationships are being restored, physical ailments are being healed (however slowly), deep friendships are being developed, and practical needs are being met. Sure, we have awkward moments, and they have to put up with my goofy icebreaker questions - it is by no means perfect. 

Do these expressions come naturally? No, they do not, either in first-century Rome or twenty-first century America. Yet Paul encouraged the church to live this way. We live in a fast-paced world with many demands on our time and attention. It requires sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. It takes intentionality to slow down and be “devoted to one another in brotherly love”, to pray for, rejoice and persevere with and to serve one another.

A community is the context in which together we are encouraged and spurred on in the work of the Spirit. 

We learn to live supernaturally in community. Who are the people in your life that spur you on to foster a life sensitive to the Spirit? Or where do you sense the nudge to invite someone into community to experience life in this Spirit-centered way?

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