Help Me Understand

Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him (Acts 8:30-31).

Has anyone ever asked you to help them understand Jesus’ Good News? What was it like? Were you nervous? Excited? Afraid? Maybe all of the above?

One aspect of “living supernaturally” is being open to opportunities like Philip had with the Ethiopian man and allowing the Holy Spirit to give us the words to speak.

Not long ago, my husband and I ran an art gallery in a small tourist town in central California. The streets of this quaint little village were lined with small, mostly “mom and pop” shops selling art, jewelry, clothing, etc. (and lots of great restaurants). The shopkeepers were often congenial as we supported one another in the rather unpredictable business of retail. 

It was in this environment the Holy Spirit graciously provided opportunities for us to share our faith with other business owners and visitors to our store. There was one Jewish man with whom we became good friends and who had a curiosity about Jesus. He had a heart for God and was seeking a deeper understanding. 

On more than one occasion, he came into our gallery with deep questions about matters of Christian faith. In fact, there were times we would even shut and lock our shop doors so our conversation would not be interrupted by customers. (You can’t make money in retail without customers, but this was more important!) 

In these moments, my husband and I would ask the Holy Spirit to give us the words to speak. We would share the Gospel with our friend and show him how the Old Testament Scriptures (the Torah to him) point to Jesus as Messiah. 

When people are genuinely seeking God, he puts a yearning in their hearts to know him more deeply. Likewise, when we experience the saving grace of God, he puts a longing in us to share our story about what Jesus has done for us. In his enthusiasm to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and explain the Good News, Philip “ran up” to the eunuch to offer wisdom. His eagerness is inspiring, isn’t it? 

As followers of Jesus seeking to “live supernaturally,” we ought to be open to where the Spirit might direct us to share the Good News. It might even be in unlikely ways, with unexpected people in unfamiliar places! 

Philip was eager and ready to respond when God opened a door for him to share the Good News. God chooses to use us too – even when we least expect it. In what ways are you practicing attentiveness to the Spirit’s promptings to share Jesus? How can you be prepared to share your testimony, or your journey to trust Jesus as Savior and Lord?

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