Did You Review Your Notes?

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.  (2 Timothy 3:14-17).

[Editor’s Note: As we prepare for Chatham Serves this Sunday, our CD writers this week will take a second look at the core values from our recent Inner Strength series.  Today, David revisits our church’s commitment to be Biblically-guided.]

For many of us, we come to North Chatham or Pittsboro every Sunday, takes our seats (probably the same spot as the week before), join the Worship Team in a time of praise, and prepare to hear a message from either Pastor Alex or Jaime. There is so much insight in each of their sermon’s that I usually come with a notebook to store up and take home as many morsels of wisdom as I can!

But after the sermon ends and we all go home, what do we do with it?

Coming to church is only part of being a biblically-guided community. Each sermon is an opportunity to learn from Scripture. Pastors Alex and Jaime provide some perspective on how that Scripture could apply to our lives. While each one of us might connect with the message differently – as we all come from unique circumstances – it’s up to us to allow that teaching to guide us as we return home and continue into the week.

Paul summarizes this in his second letter to Timothy. Getting to know Scripture means becoming wise not for the sake of being the biggest Bible nerd in the room, but “wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” So, what does that mean? Simply put, biblically-guided means Jesus-guided! Paul is saying that learning and continuing in Scripture means we’re learning about Jesus: His ways, His teachings, His purpose.

As is common in Paul’s writings, we’re not only taught something but encouraged to take action! Practicing biblical guidance is learning to let Jesus teach and train us so that we may serve the purpose we have been designed for by the Father. In this way, we become well equipped to walk the path He has laid for us.

Just as the Apostles trusted that Jesus had prepared them to go out and share His teachings, we can trust that practicing biblical guidance has prepared us for good works in our community. Our church believes in answering Jesus’s call to serve others. To do that, we look close to home and ask who might need a little help around Chatham County? Maybe you regularly participate in volunteer opportunities like Chatham Serves. Or maybe you’re unsure of how or where you’re able to contribute. If the latter sounds like you, allow yourself to be guided by Christ and trust that all you have learned has prepared and equipped you for every good work.

Living a biblically-guided life takes practice! If you don’t know how but you come to church, try writing a few things down. Look back at it through the week. Allow it to percolate through your mind and think about how it connects with your life. Know that Jesus sees you trying and, as the perfect teacher that He is, won’t let you struggle alone.

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