You are wanted

In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—
- Ephesians 1:5
You are wanted.
God wanted you to be a part of his family. He wanted you to be included. He wanted you to be with him.
The world in which Paul lived had a vibrant practice of adoption. Landowners and people of wealth would adopt sons to help carry on their family legacy. Sometimes they would bring relatives into this closer relationship of sonship. Other times they would take a slave or someone from another country and “elevate” them to sonship. Joining the family came with perks.
God has done that for us. His choice to adopt us into his family gives us access to unimaginable blessings. He chooses us before we choose him, before we even know about him, before we’re even on the look out for him.
And God doesn’t choose us because of something particular or unique about us. He doesn’t choose you because of your intelligence or righteousness. The deciding factor in God’s decision to draw you toward his family if God’s own pleasure and will. He wants to invite you. The thought of you being in God’s family makes God happy.
People become parents through many different storylines: an unprotected night of passion, a loving relationship looking to grow, a grueling process of infertility and tears, a surprise. But adoption is special. The child or person being adopted is chosen, wanted, added to a new family.
God wanted you. How can you get that truth from Ephesians to settle down deep in your soul? What about it do you find difficult or unbelievable? How does it shape the way you think about God?

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