Yielding Before the Circle

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:15-17 ESV.)

How do you remember your Driver’s Ed. classes? I am grateful to have actually loved my Driver’s Ed. classes and I still remember a lot of things that we were taught in the class. One thing we learned about was yield signs. You know, those triangle things right before a traffic circle. Most people see those signs and don’t acknowledge them, just continuing into the traffic circle unless there is a car coming. In reality, yield signs tell you to tap your foot on the break (not to stop all the way), and to thoroughly observe your surroundings before proceeding.

As we approach the Christmas season, a lot of us like to rush into Christmas. We forget to yield, slow down, and admire the season before Christmas too. We could say that the chaos of the Christmas season is like a bustling traffic circle; will you choose to yield before entering the circle?

One way that we can slow down is by remembering who should be at the center of all of our thoughts, not only during the holidays, but all year around. This week’s passage reminds us of just that. Verses 15 and 16 remind us of all of the good things Christ has done for us, from earthly blessings to saving a heavenly place for us. Verse 17 goes on to tell us how He is before all things, and has therefore set everything into motion. 

There are so many things that distract us from yielding when we enter the holiday-traffic-circle. We look forward to spending time with family, cooking amazing meals, and even gift shopping for those we love. These things are not inherently bad, but when we think about all of these before the “Reason for the Season,” we tend to just rush into a holiday frenzy.

As we approach the Christmas season, will you just pass by the yield sign and fly into the Christmas season? Or, will you yield, and take the time to set your thoughts on Jesus before all the holiday excitement? When you are preparing a holiday meal, remember who is the ultimate Bread of Life. Or when you get together with your family, think of how you also have your Heavenly Father with you (even when your earthly family isn’t). When you go gift shopping, you can even think about all of the blessings that Jesus gave to us, as maker of all things in the universe. 

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