When Faith Goes Flat


You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever (Psalm 118: 26-27).

I’ve had my share of ups and downs when it comes to my faith journey.  A couple decades ago I thought my relationship with Jesus was in a good spot. But then I had a rough day while visiting a friend in Atlanta. I was a bit lost and not watching the road carefully. I hit a pothole, busted one of my tires. I had to learn how to change a tire.  Oh, and it was pouring rain.  No one stopped to help.  I was getting soaked, reading a soggy car manual, lost in Atlanta. 

Eventually I changed the tire, and I said a short prayer asking to just get back home safely. But on the freeway home, I hit another pothole and busted the spare tire.  My car barely limped to a nearby gas station.  As I was sitting in my car, dejected, still wet, and cold, I angrily rip off the cross that was around my neck and tossed it to the side. 

What was the point if Jesus couldn’t do this one thing? 

As Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem, we know the story is not going to go the way his followers are hoping.  Worship is going to turn to despair, and hope will evaporate.  I can imagine many people reaching out in prayer, only to have their hopes dashed and faith challenged when they see Jesus crucified.

Looking back, I realized my relationship with Jesus consisted of praising him for when I felt blessed and asking him for help where I didn’t.  My relationship was missing the deep understanding that Jesus is always good.  He’s always present. And his love always endures.  In Atlanta, I only saw my needs and desires.  I missed seeing Jesus and his enduring love.

I missed the part where I made it safely off the highway. I missed the part where someone barely more than an acquaintance helped me get my car towed to a service station. I missed the mechanic who was able to prioritize my fix so I could drive back home.  Even though I rejected it, Jesus’s love endured.

As I prepare to worship Jesus this Palm Sunday, I remind myself to stay focused on Jesus’s enduring love. Love that is always all around me, even if I don’t see it.  It’s deeper than counting blessings or praising good outcomes.  It’s realizing I’m invited to be part of something very special that Jesus fulfilled on Easter.  It’s being part of something great that will endure forever.

This week don’t focus your worship on your specific needs or desires. Focus purely on Jesus rooted in the foundation of his goodness.  Open your heart to letting that goodness fill you, with no strings or expectations attached.


Thanks for the kind words, Jan. The last few years at Chatham Church have certainly done wonders for my perspective on Jesus. Even now, I gain more and more insight into why my relationship with faith and Jesus just didn't see to work all those years ago...but now that my perspective is totally different AND totally focused on Jesus, life and faith just seems to work better together, as I believe they should!
Blown away!!!
"This week don’t focus your worship on your specific needs or desires. Focus purely on Jesus rooted in the foundation of his goodness. Open your heart to letting that goodness fill you, with no strings or expectations attached."
This exhortation is the key to victorious Christian living. I really needed this reminder! I'm printing it out and posting it in my house.
Thank you for sharing your experience. There's been a number of times I thought God was ignoring me but your post reminds me how short sighted I was. Thank you, Dave!

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