Veggie Tales


“There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord…He behaved in the vilest manner” 1 Kings 21: 26, 27

There’s one detail in the story of Ahab and Naboth that I just can’t get out of my mind.  Ahab said to Naboth, “Let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden since it is close to my palace.”  A story filled with so much sin began with a king who felt so strongly about needing a vegetable garden that he plotted and killed for it.  

Ahab’s entire life, and lives of those around him became fractured over a vegetable garden!

Ahab was the king. Ahab lived in an amazing palace. Ahab was so powerful he could’ve had anything he wanted brought to him at any time. He even probably had something all us parents wish we had:  someone to make his kids eat those dang vegetables! 

But for everything Ahab had, he lacked a relationship with God.  When his relationship with God fractured, that was the start of everything else becoming fractured. Did he ever ask himself, “What does God want for me?” God wanted him to be a just and wise king, not abuse his authority to steal and murder.  Instead, his legacy is not of being a great king, or even a poor king.  He’s known as one of the most evil and vilest kings in the Bible. 

When I look at my life and my relationships, I can see how I inadvertently tripped into a similar chasm.  I spend a lot of time reading the news. I enjoy being up to date on current events, and I love a good debate.  But when I debate politics, discuss issues of social justice, or even offer advice on the best way to raise a child, I sometimes risk fracturing relationships because my foundation becomes impressing others with how smart I think I am, and not my relationship with God.   

Politics is a great example. Do I want people overhearing my debate to be convinced I’m a hardcore Republican? Or Democrat? Liberal, Conservation, Independent, Socialist, Libertarian…the list goes on and on.  Or do I want to be labeled a Christian? Am I carrying forward my relationship with God, or am I Ahab, happy to keep fracturing relationships in pursuit of earning something trivial? Of all the labels I wear in this world, is Christian at the top of that list?

I know what I want the answer to be! I also know based on some “debates” I’ve had over the last couple years, I have a few phone calls I need to make.

It’s easy to choose something trivial over something eternal.  Recall a time where you let a conversation, debate, or argument fractured a relationship.  Did you approach that relationship as a Christian, or as an Ahab? What can you do this week to start down the path of repairing that fracture?

1 Comment

Thank you for a challenging post. When discussing whether or not a Christian should watch a certain news station I become strident and call on impressive rhetoric. I do not operate with love in the forefront. I need help with that. You have been gentle in expressing your views in my opinion.

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