The Reluctantly Recruited


“How can I save Israel? I’m the least in my family.” (Judges 6:15)

When Brian asked me to consider joining the Connect Devotional team, I quickly said no. Pressed to take a walk to discuss it, I reluctantly agreed. When he said he saw writing potential in me, I demurred: I’m not a writer. Yes, I taught writing, but a writer? Not me. 

When the angel of the Lord approaches Gideon in a winepress, threshing wheat underground in fear, and calls him “mighty warrior” (6:12), Gideon is perplexed. Me? I’m a farmer, not a warrior; I’m the youngest in the weakest tribe. 

Brian continued our “discussion.” I brought up compelling (to me) reasons why I didn’t feel suited to the job. Brian listened, turning the conversation back to what he saw in me. When Gideon brings up legitimate (to him) questions, the angel counters, “go in the strength you have and save Israel” (6:14). 

Gideon asks for a sign (6:17) to be sure this is God’s voice. I didn’t ask for a sign because Brian preempted me! Write a sample devotional; see how it goes. Fire consumed Gideon’s offering, assuring him (6:22b). While fire didn’t come down, I did finish writing with a clear sense of okay, maybe I can do this

Signs are great, but did that mean Gideon immediately strapped on armor and said, Let’s go? Not so fast. While he obeys the angel’s requests, he’s also fearful. He cuts down pagan altars and sacrifices a bull under cover of darkness, relying on daddy to defend him when the townspeople clamor for his death (6:27,30). Did Gideon quit? No. Far from cowering underground, now, in God’s power, he will soon lead a mere 300 men in victory against 120,000 enemy soldiers. 

Did I start cranking out devotionals with ease? Hardly. I have had plenty of “fearful” moments submitting the final draft to Brian and nervously awaiting a Let’s Go! I don’t pretend to be a Gideon leading us to victory, but wait. Aren’t we all Gideons if we listen to the Holy Spirit and move ahead all the while saying, “I’m not prepared; I’m not who you think I am”? If we move forward in obedience, God will equip us. Gideon didn’t recognize himself as a “mighty warrior,” but he will soon secure a mighty victory because of who God is. 

Gideon’s Let’s Go! moment occurred with 300 men. My Let’s Go! moment involves wrestling 450 words into shape and doing that alongside our small CD writers’ team.  Before we write, we enter the Word more deeply, then share thoughts with all of you and secure victories against the enemy.

We don't do this alone. Gideon was promised, “I will be with you” (6:16). Every time I open the scripture passage for the next devotional, I wonder what I’m going to write. God leads every time. What could be greater than His promises - “I will be with you;” “I will strike down [your] Midianites” - to overcome our feelings of inadequacy? God sees more in us than we do. And sometimes His vision for us comes through a friend saying, “let’s take a walk.”

1 Comment

Excellent piece, Debbie. There was much internal wrestling when Brian asked me the same question. I’m so glad you took that walk! :)

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