The Fruit of Being Outwardly Focused

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom … When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them… (Matthew 9:35-36)

One of the core values of Chatham Community church is being outwardly focused. Jesus lived this out every day because He truly loved people and had compassion on them. Jesus calls us to love others as well. One way that we can do this is by sharing the good news. 

A member of our church, Monica, shared her testimony with me. She gave me permission to share her amazing story that shows how one outwardly focused person had a huge impact on her life.

Monica was born in Romania and was raised as an atheist. She had only a little knowledge about God and Jesus because her grandmother was a born-again Christian and took her to an underground church one time. However, her mother forbade her from returning. Her mother was against Christianity and was afraid of being arrested. The communist government didn’t accept evangelical born-again Christians. They were considered a sect. When Monica was older, she was even asked by the government to find people who were Christians and turn them in, but she never did it.

Years later, Monica moved to California.  By this time, she was taking care of her three girls and her niece, but she couldn’t afford a babysitter, so she had them go to the library every day after school. During this time, Monica got to know the librarian pretty well. 

One December day in 1998, the librarian asked Monica if she could reach out to another Romanian woman who was in the library and needed help. The librarian couldn’t communicate with the woman who was probably researching how to get a green card.  When Monica introduced herself in Romanian, the lady asked her if she knew Jesus and if she went to church. Monica said no to both.

The lady went on to share the good news with Monica. She told her that life is different when you have Jesus in your heart. Then she asked if Monica would like to receive and know Jesus. Monica said yes. She wanted to know how to do that. She wanted to receive Jesus. 

They exchanged phone numbers and the lady invited her to come to the Romanian church with her. She even made arrangements to pick up her three daughters, her mom, and her niece. After going to church for four months, they all became Christians and were baptized.

Monica’s story shows the fruit of being outwardly focused. That woman in the library was able to look outside herself and care about Monica and her family enough to share the good news. Monica shared with me that because one lady shared the gospel with her, Jesus used her obedience to change even more people’s lives: as of today, 15 people in her family have come to know the Lord. 

Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit nudging you to share the good news with someone else? If so, be obedient and share your testimony.  Maybe God wants to use you to meet someone’s greatest need- their need to know Jesus.

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