That Sinking Feeling


When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple…But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you.  What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, “Salvation comes from the Lord!” (Jonah 2: 7, 9)

I do not know a lot about marine biology.  My education comes from either watching Shark Week or Hollywood movies.  What has stuck with me is if you are at the beach, and hear a few sharp, foreboding notes being played on a tuba, you should probably get out of the water.  It is also my understanding that most people do not praise God when they end up in the mouth of a giant fish.  

Which is where we find Jonah.  He is a man whom God had called, but he ran away from God.  He literally headed for the other end of the Earth when God called.  And while many of us have metaphorically found ourselves tossed overboard in a storm, felt like we were sinking, and perhaps even swallowed by despair, it was a reality for Jonah.  

However, the giant fish that swallowed Jonah was not a sign of despair, it was a miracle from God.  And while in the belly of this fish, he prayed.  In his prayer, he praises God, and he laments his sin. He affirms that even in the deepest darkness, God hears our prayers.  But what stands out is how he used this prayer to create a space for God.  Jonah’s prayer ends not with his asking for another miracle or expecting God to make the next move. His prayer ends by declaring action! He renews his promise to fulfill his vows, knowing that if he acts, salvation will come from the Lord.  

We often pray to praise God. We often pray to ask for forgiveness, or for insight, or for His help. All of these are excellent ways to pray.  But prayer can also be a conduit to share what we are experiencing openly with God and create room for God to work with us.  Prayer can be a way not just to call out to God, but to create that space where God call us to action. Perhaps this even becomes a space through which we choose to actively “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:11)!

Take time to pray differently this week.  Go down a path where you have a conversation with God about what is happening in your life right now. In addition to asking God for help or guidance, take some time and make some space for God to invite you to act!

1 Comment

I am in danger of becoming a pew-duster, someone who joins in on Sunday worship and forgets to worship throughout the week. I need the Holy Spirit to bring scripture to my attention throughout every day. I have a poor memory and get caught up reacting to events instead of focusing on God. I need your prayers. Thank you.

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