Praise as a response to objective reality


This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, ...

- Matthew 6:9

As Jesus taught his followers to pray, he invited them to pray "hallowed by your name." Honoring the name of our heavenly Father is one way we show adoration to him. 

Showing respect for God aligns us to reality. He is worthy of our respect. He's great. He's trustworthy. His holiness and creativity and generosity and kindness all merit our praise. When we say "hallowed be your name," we're responding to this objective reality. It's simply true that his name is holy.

Praying "hallowed be your name" is the only sane response to this reality. And when we praise him, something special happens in us and in our community.

Left to our own devices, we recreationally enthrone lots of small gods. Family, celebrities, wealth, fitness, independence, friendships, our pets, our stuff--all of these all attempt to slink up onto the throne of our hearts. Praising God displaces these other things that want to rule our hearts. 

When you praise God, what other gods do you find yourself displacing?

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when I praise God, my worries are displaced at least for a while. Praising God makes me feel better and I know that Jesus loves for us to do this. I praise Him for His creation, this beautiful weather and for my Christian family here.

HE is definitely "HOLY" above all things! As a matter of fact, HE is Sovereign, Loving, Merciful, Gracious, Kind, All Powerful, etc, etc, etc, etc, but nowhere in Scripture does it say that He is Loving, Loving, Loving, Merciful, Merciful, Merciful, or Kind, Kind, Kind. As He is all of these things and then some (HE is One who can truthfully say "He's All That"). But none of these attributes compare to His Holiness, as His Word, His Prophets and His Angels proclaim that He is Holy, Holy, Holy, to the third power! In fact, to "His Holiness," there is No End!!! "Lord, help us to see You in Your Holiness today, that it may create a right relationship between us, and that we may worship You anew! Thank You, Jesus! Amen."

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