Pivot Towards Jesus


For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1: 16-17).

Pivot is a word that gets thrown around a lot at work.  When we pivot away from something, it means we made a mistake, miscalculated, went down the wrong path, or otherwise messed up.  So, we politely pivot to another idea.  And by calling it a “pivot” instead of a mistake, it’s a more polite way to acknowledge a failing without fear of judgment or reprisal that can come with admitting a mistake.

As humans, we need to pivot a lot.  

God, however, never pivots.

Paul reminds me of this in these verses of Colossians.  Paul is talking about Jesus being the son of God, the one through and for whom all things have been created.  Jesus always was, is and will be; he was not a pivot or change God had to make.  Jesus is “before all things and through him all things hold together.”

As we build into this holiday season, it’s critical for me to remember that Jesus is, was, and always will be part of God’s plan.  While we celebrate his birth in human form on Christmas, Jesus always was. At no point did God pivot to Jesus as part of the plan.  Jesus should be the thing that was, is, and always will be supreme in my life.

But, alas, as an imperfect human, it’s up to me to find ways to pivot more parts of my life to Jesus.  This season a pivot could look like making church worship a priority on Sunday.  I pivot towards Jesus by actively seeking opportunities to volunteer my time to help those less fortunate.  I pivot away from getting lost in “X-mas” distractions, and keep my heart focused on Christ. 

As I pivot towards Jesus, I come before him to be embraced not with judgment, retribution, or disappointment.  I come to him, welcomed by his love, wisdom, and authority. And with those pivots, I can ask for his grace to help make those changes permanent in my heart and hold him supreme in my life.

As you prepare for Christmas day, pick a specific area in your life where Jesus is not supreme.  How can you make changes, big or small, to pivot yourself back to holding nothing above Jesus?  How can Jesus help those pivots become permanent in your life?


Jessica, for the record, you're my friend! How's that for bookending with a "friends" reference? :)
This is excellent, Dave! The only thing that could have made it better would have been a Friends reference. :)

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