Our "Amen"

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
- 2 Corinthians 1:20
“Amen” means more than “The End.” The word “Amen” means “It’s true!” or “Yes, may it be so!” Did you know this? In today’s verse, the apostle Paul invites us to respond to God’s faithful promise-keeping. 
How do you respond to God’s generosity toward you?
Saying “Amen” to God’s promises expresses faith. We communicate that we believe Jesus, that what he says about God is actually true of God. 
We can’t say this “Amen” apart from Jesus’ help. He is the reason we believe that God keeps his promises. He is our anchor in the midst of the floods of doubts that assail and distract us. He fills us with the desire and power to testify that God keeps his promises.
And when we do this, when we say “Amen,” it honors God. He deserves to be believed, to be trusted, to be given credit for his covenant-keeping.
Take some time today to say “Amen” to God. Thank him. Praise him. Enjoy him. We’ve done a lot of heavy lifting theologically this week. The fruit of that deep thinking is worship. Offer him your gratitude today.