Mother Wisdom


Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. (Proverbs 3:13-16 ESV)

As we’ve learned over the past couple of weeks, Proverbs personifies Wisdom as a woman, and reminds us how she is one of the most precious things you can ever have in life.

What if Lady Wisdom is even closer to us than we realize - what if you had even lived with her at one time in your life? Well, since I live with my mom, I do live with Lady Wisdom (or in this case, Lady Segnere. Hi, Mom!)!

Now that you’re thinking about the motherly figure (or figures) in your life, think about what makes her unique, special, and wise. One of the things that makes my mom, “Lady Segnere,” unique is her love of crafting, particularly her love and skill for making cards and sewing quilts.  Just as Lady Wisdom in Proverbs gives generously to her neighbors, my mom gives what she makes to people who are in need of a blessing.  Since she has been doing these crafts for so long, she knows so many different techniques and practically has each craft down to a science.  So she can make things quickly and they still look beautiful. My mom also loves to cook, bake, and do volunteer work, all of which blesses people around her!

Wisdom comes in so many different shapes in sizes, and as Proverbs says, it is better than silver or gold (vs. 13). Lady Wisdom is even more precious than jewels, and you will be blessed when you hold her near to you. Similarly, when you draw close to and learn from the many ways of the wise, motherly figures in your life, you will be blessed. 

How can you hold your motherly figure close to you, and in doing so, reflect upon her wisdom? Could you ask her to teach you something she’s wise about, like crafting or gardening? Maybe you’ll learn a new piece of wisdom and use it to bless those around you, or maybe just spending time with her will be a huge blessing. 

P.S. Happy Mother’s Day, from all the CD writers to all who are mothers to us!


I bet your mom smiled at your devo today. That was really sweet.
Bella, that is a wonderful tribute to your mother and reminder to all of us to be thankful for our mothers and things they have done for us.

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