Looking for cues

A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them.
- Mark 2:1-3
The buzz filled the town. Capernaum would have had a little over 1500 people living in the village and it might have felt like everyone in town tried to cram into the house where Jesus sat and preached the word. The crowd would have spilled out into the street, hushed as they tried to listen to the voice inside.
But a group of men remembered their paralyzed friend. The skipped the sermon and went for their buddy. While everyone else went after Jesus, these men went after the paralytic. They went to bring the one who couldn’t bring himself.
What would it look like for us to go and do likewise?
Every day friends gather together to bring their peers to Jesus. They gather in prayer. They share stories and books. They show love and compassion. They talk about Jesus. They offer invitations to small group and church. And they have an impact.
Some of us have relationships with God today, have new life in the name of Jesus, have freedom in Christ because somebody somewhere did something to bring us to Jesus. Our lives were changed for the better.
How do you know when someone needs to be brought to Jesus?
Andy Stanley encourages people to listen for these three cues …

  1. I’m not from here …
  2. I’m not prepared for …
  3. Things are not going well …

Often these moments in life are moments when people will experience a significant openness to care from a friend and connection with Jesus. These are particularly great times to offer one of the following responses:

  • Invite someone to church
  • Offer to pray for someone
  • Share the gospel story

These aren’t the only times or the only ways to bring people to Jesus. But some of us need a nudge.
Will you listen today to see if you hear one of these cues? And if you hear one of these cues, will you offer one of these friendly responses? Ask the Lord today to help you hear and respond?

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