Let's Go...And Keep Going

“Go and make disciples of all nations.” Matthew 28:19


We’ve been listening to God’s let’s go: we’re serving where we are, recognizing He’s put us in a certain spot “for such a time as this.” It’s rewarding, we're being obedient, and our eyes are more open to opportunities right where we are. Now let’s read Jesus’ last words to His disciples: 

Go and make disciples of all nations.

I squirm more than a little as I ponder that word go in this context. I have been going, I tell myself. OK, locally, but still going. And now I have to go to all nations? Are you telling me, Lord, I’m getting too comfortable right here? I’m financially supporting foreign missions; doesn’t that count? I regularly pray for missionaries; surely that helps get the word to “all the nations.” Do You expect me to uproot everything and transplant into another country? 


But not even the disciples immediately booked passage to India. They slowly traveled further and further from Jerusalem, moving beyond their comfort level. I, too, can and should look further than my own street for people who don’t know Jesus. If approaching a stranger to ask “are you saved?” is a bridge too far, I can ask the server at a Raleigh restaurant if she attends church. I could sign up with Chatham Serves so long as I determine to tell the recipient why I’m mowing the lawn or making a meal. I can remember and practice Pastor Alex’s words that “a casserole alone can never say, Jesus died for you.” I can work with CORA in Siler City as it helps feed Spanish-speaking communities, volunteer with a literacy program in Orange County, get involved with the international student community at UNC, or help with Afghan refugee resettlement in the Triangle. Suddenly, I’m going to other nations because, surprise!, the “nations” are closer to me than I thought! 

Is it possible “the world” is all around us where we are?

However far afield we go in following Jesus’ commissioning, we’re not going alone. Perhaps Jesus noticed the apostles’ widening eyes when we told them to go to “all the nations,” for He immediately comforts them with this promise: “I will be with you always, to the very end of the age” (28:20, emphasis mine). Jesus sees your hesitation, too. “Don’t worry,” He tells you; “I’m with you!” Now listen for His next words: “So, get going!”

Each of us is tasked with carrying out Jesus’ mission. You’ve been going. Now, what is a way you could keep going, maybe a little further afield?  Let’s go – and keep going!

If you’d like to read or re-read the overview/summary of this week’s passage, you can find it here.

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